depression of spirits

  • 61With all one's heart — Heart Heart (h[aum]rt), n. [OE. harte, herte, heorte, AS. heorte; akin to OS. herta, OFies. hirte, D. hart, OHG. herza, G. herz, Icel. hjarta, Sw. hjerta, Goth. ha[ i]rt[=o], Lith. szirdis, Russ. serdtse, Ir. cridhe, L. cor, Gr. kardi a, kh^r.… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 62With one's whole heart — Heart Heart (h[aum]rt), n. [OE. harte, herte, heorte, AS. heorte; akin to OS. herta, OFies. hirte, D. hart, OHG. herza, G. herz, Icel. hjarta, Sw. hjerta, Goth. ha[ i]rt[=o], Lith. szirdis, Russ. serdtse, Ir. cridhe, L. cor, Gr. kardi a, kh^r.… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 63dismals — n. pl. [With The prefixed.] Melancholy, low spirits, the blues, the vapors, depression, depression of spirits, low state, ennui …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 64heaviness — n. 1. Gravity, weight, ponderousness. 2. Oppressiveness, grievousness, severity. 3. Languor, dulness, stupidity, sluggishness. 4. Dejection, depression, sadness, melancholy, despondency, gloom, low spirits, depression of spirits …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 65the blues — Melancholy, dejection, depression, gloominess, sadness, despondency, hypochondria, dumps, megrims, vapors, low spirits, blue devils, depression of spirits, the dismals, doldrums …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 66melancholy — I. n. Dejection, depression, gloominess, sadness, gloom, despondency, hypochondria, blues, blue devils, dumps, vapors, low spirits, depression of spirits. II. a. 1. Dejected, dispirited, depressed, sad, sorrowful, unhappy, disconsolate, doleful,… …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 67Low — 1. adj., n., & adv. adj. 1 of less than average height; not high or tall or reaching far up (a low wall). 2 a situated close to ground or sea level etc.; not elevated in position (low altitude). b (of the sun) near the horizon. c (of latitude)… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 68low — 1. adj., n., & adv. adj. 1 of less than average height; not high or tall or reaching far up (a low wall). 2 a situated close to ground or sea level etc.; not elevated in position (low altitude). b (of the sun) near the horizon. c (of latitude)… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 69melancholia — 1. A severe form of depression marked by anhedonia, insomnia, psychomotor changes, and guilt. 2. A symptom occurring in other conditions, marked by depression of spirits and by a sluggish and painful process of thought. SYN: melancholy. [melan +… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 70melancholia — /mel euhn koh lee euh, kohl yeuh/, n. 1. a mental condition characterized by great depression of spirits and gloomy forebodings. 2. Psychiatry. See endogenous depression. [1685 95; < LL; see MELANCHOLY] * * * ▪ psychology       formerly the&#8230; …
