course of things

  • 101Continuance in action — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Continuance in action >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 continuance continuance continuation Sgm: N 1 run run Sgm: N 1 perpetuation perpetuation prolongation Sgm: N 1 persistence persistence &c.(perseverance) 604a Sgm …

    English dictionary for students

  • 102MENDELSSOHN, MOSES — (Moses ben Menahem, acronym RaMbeMaN, or Moses of Dessau; 1729–1786), philosopher of the German Enlightenment in the pre Kantian period, early Maskil, and a renowned Jewish figure in the 18th century. Born in Dessau, son of a Torah scribe,… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 103Jewish views of astrology — In Hebrew, astrology was called hokmat ha nissayon , the wisdom of prognostication , in distinction to hokmat ha hizzayon (wisdom of star seeing, or astronomy). While not a Jewish practice or teaching as such, astrology made its way into the… …


  • 104Ward v Tesco Stores Ltd — Ward v. Tesco Stores Ltd [1976] 1 W.L.R. 810; [1976] 1 All E.R. 219; [1976] I.R.L.R. 92, is an English tort law case concerning the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur ( the thing speaks for itself ). It deals with the law of negligence and it set an… …


  • 105natural — naturalness, n. /nach euhr euhl, nach reuhl/, adj. 1. existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial): a natural bridge. 2. based on the state of things in nature; constituted by nature: Growth is a natural process. 3. of or pertaining to …


  • 106natural — /ˈnætʃərəl / (say nachuhruhl), /ˈnætʃrəl / (say nachruhl) adjective 1. existing in or formed by nature; not artificial: a natural bridge. 2. based on the state of things in nature; constituted by nature: the natural day; the natural soil. 3. of… …

  • 107Example — Ex*am ple, n. [A later form for ensample, fr. L. exemplum, orig., what is taken out of a larger quantity, as a sample, from eximere to take out. See {Exempt}, and cf. {Ensample}, {Sample}.] 1. One or a portion taken to show the character or… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 108St. John Chrysostom —     St. John Chrysostom     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► St. John Chrysostom     (Chrysostomos, golden mouthed so called on account of his eloquence).     Doctor of the Church, born at Antioch, c. 347; died at Commana in Pontus, 14 September, 407.… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 109As a rule — Rule Rule, n. [OE. reule, riule, OF. riule, reule, F. r[ e]gle, fr. L. regula a ruler, rule, model, fr. regere, rectum, to lead straight, to direct. See {Right}, a., and cf. {Regular}.] 1. That which is prescribed or laid down as a guide for… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 110Board rule — Rule Rule, n. [OE. reule, riule, OF. riule, reule, F. r[ e]gle, fr. L. regula a ruler, rule, model, fr. regere, rectum, to lead straight, to direct. See {Right}, a., and cf. {Regular}.] 1. That which is prescribed or laid down as a guide for… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English