call on

  • 101call on — v. 1) (D; tr.) to call on for (to call on a pupil for an answer) 2) (H) the mayor called on the people to remain calm * * * (H) the mayor call oned on the people to remain calm (D; tr.) to call on for (to call on a pupil for an answer) …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 102call up — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you call someone up, you telephone them. [mainly AM] [V n P] When I m in Pittsburgh, I call him up... [V P n (not pron)] He called up the museum... [V P] Sometimes I d even call up at 4 a.m …

    English dictionary

  • 103call in — verb Date: 1545 transitive verb 1. to order to return or to be returned: as a. to withdraw from an advanced position < call in the outposts > b. to withdraw from circulation < call in bank notes and …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 104Call-TV — Télé tirelire La télé tirelire (parfois désignée par l anglicisme call tv ou call television), est un type de jeu télévisé auquel les téléspectateurs peuvent participer par le biais d’un numéro de téléphone ou de SMS surtaxé. Le but est d inciter …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 105Call-tv — Télé tirelire La télé tirelire (parfois désignée par l anglicisme call tv ou call television), est un type de jeu télévisé auquel les téléspectateurs peuvent participer par le biais d’un numéro de téléphone ou de SMS surtaxé. Le but est d inciter …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 106Call Me — Chartplatzierungen Erklärung der Daten Singles[1] Call Me &#160; DE …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 107Call —    1) To cry for help, hence to pray (Gen. 4:26). Thus men are said to call upon the name of the Lord (Acts 2:21; 7:59; 9:14; Rom. 10:12; 1 Cor. 1:2).    2) God calls with respect to men when he designates them to some special office (Ex. 31:2;&#8230; …

    Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • 108call sb in — UK US call sb in Phrasal Verb with call({{}}/kɔːl/ verb ► to ask someone to come to help with a difficult situation: »They called in the department which specializes in investigating credit card fraud. ● call in the receivers Cf. call in the&#8230; …

    Financial and business terms

  • 109Call — 1. decision to say or do something or act in a certain way: He swore at the footballers drinking at the bar a dodgy call in anyone s books ; 2. make a decision about; work out in one s mind: I couldn t tell if he was joking or not. It was hard to …

    Dictionary of Australian slang

  • 110call — Australian Slang 1. decision to say or do something or act in a certain way: He swore at the footballers drinking at the bar a dodgy call in anyone s books ; 2. make a decision about; work out in one s mind: I couldn t tell if he was joking or&#8230; …

    English dialects glossary