be diminished by use

  • 91Homicide Act 1957 — The Homicide Act 1957 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (5 6 Eliz. II c. 11).It was enacted as a partial reform of the common law offence of murder in English law by abolishing the doctrine of constructive malice (except in… …


  • 92Hungary — /hung geuh ree/, n. a republic in central Europe. 9,935,774; 35,926 sq. mi. (93,050 sq. km). Cap.: Budapest. Hungarian, Magyarország. * * * Hungary Introduction Hungary Background: Hungary was part of the polyglot Austro Hungarian Empire, which… …


  • 93Iran — /i ran , i rahn , uy ran /, n. a republic in SW Asia. 67,540,002; ab. 635,000 sq. mi. (1,644,650 sq. km). Cap.: Teheran. Formerly (until 1935), Persia. * * * Iran Introduction Iran Background: Known as Persia until 1935, Iran became an Islamic… …


  • 94HISTORY — For Prehistory see archaeology ; for Biblical and Second Temple periods, see history . Destruction of the Second Temple until the Arab Conquest (70–640 C.E.) THE EFFECTS OF THE WAR OF 66–70 C.E. The Jewish war against the Romans, which lasted… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 95Symmetry — For other uses, see Symmetry (disambiguation) …


  • 96Seventh chord — Dominant seventh chord on C  Play ( …


  • 97Circle of fifths — showing major and minor keys …


  • 98Pakistan — /pak euh stan , pah keuh stahn /, n. 1. Islamic Republic of, a republic in S Asia, between India and Afghanistan: formerly part of British India; known as West Pakistan from 1947 71 to distinguish it from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).… …


  • 99Nazi Germany — Greater German Reich Großdeutsches Reich ↓ 1933–1945 …


  • 100Altered chord — Unaltered chord progression. In music, an altered chord, an example of alteration, is a chord with one or more diatonic notes replaced by, or altered to, a neighboring pitch in the chromatic scale. For example the following progression uses four… …
