
  • 101lopsided — adjective my gingerbread house is lopsided Syn: crooked, askew, awry, off center, uneven, out of line, asymmetrical, tilted, at an angle, aslant, slanting; off balance, off kilter; informal cockeyed Ant: even, level, balanced …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 102oblique — adjective 1) an oblique line Syn: slanting, slanted, sloping, at an angle, angled, diagonal, aslant, slant, slantwise, skew, askew, cater cornered, kitty corner Ant: straight …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 103obliquely — adverb 1) was the rope, strung across this road obliquely, a real weapon or just a simpleminded booby trap? Syn: diagonally, at an angle, slantwise, sideways, sidelong, aslant 2) she was an embarrassment, someone who could only be spoken of… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 104slanting — adjective the slanting angle of the deck Syn: oblique, sloping, at an angle, on an incline, inclined, tilting, tilted, slanted, aslant, diagonal, canted, cambered …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 105akimbo — adj, adv hand on hip; tilted, raised, angular, oblique, bent, crooked; askew, aslant, twisted, skewed, out of line …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 106askance — adv 1. suspiciously, mistrustfully, distrustfully, dubiously, doubtfully; disapprovingly, unapprovingly, disdainfully, scornfully, askew. 2. sideways, obliquely, indirectly, evasively, slyly, out of the corner of one s eye, with a side glance;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 107awry — adv 1. askew, to one side, around, about; askance, askant, asquint, out of the corner of one s eye. 2. out of line, off center, off balance, unevenly, crookedly, obliquely, at an angle, sideways; crossways, crosswise, traversely, diagonally. 3.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 108cockeyed — adj 1. cross eyed, strabismal, strabismic, strabismical, squinting, squint eyed. 2.Slang. tilted, crooked, not straight, at an angle, twisted, slanted, sloped; awry, askew, to one side, sideways; slanting, aslant, slantwise, at a slant, sloping,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 109crooked — adj 1. bent, bending, flexed, bowed, hooked, twisted, contorted; curved, incurvated, angular, coiled, circled, curled, spiral, looped; arched, arcuate, inflected, vaulted, cambered. 2. winding, flexuous, sinuous, tortuous, serpentine; meandering …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 110inclined — adj 1.(usu. followed by to) disposed, tending, Archaic. propense, of a mind; prone, apt, liable, likely, susceptible, open; predisposed, given, partial, prejudiced, biased; attracted, sympathetic, keen, willing, eager, Archaic. fain, zealous,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder