adverse to

  • 121adverse possession — An actual and visible appropriation of property commenced and continued under a claim of right inconsistent with arid hostile to the claim of another. An open and notorious possession and occupation of real property under an evident claim or… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 122adverse use — See adverse user …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 123adverse event — An unexpected medical problem that happens during treatment with a drug or other therapy. Adverse events do not have to be caused by the drug or therapy, and they may be mild, moderate, or severe …

    English dictionary of cancer terms

  • 124adverse — Synonyms and related words: adversary, adversative, adversive, alien, antagonistic, anti, antipathetic, antithetic, antonymous, at cross purposes, balancing, clashing, compensating, competitive, con, conflicting, confronting, contradictory,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 125adverse — ad·verse || ædvɜːs adj. hostile; contrary; opposed …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 126adverse — evaders …

    Anagrams dictionary

  • 127adverse — a. 1. Contrary, opposing, counteracting, conflicting, head (as head wind). 2. Hostile, inimical, antagonistic, unpropitious, unfavorable, injurious, harmful. 3. Unprosperous, untoward, unlucky, unfortunate, calamitous, disastrous …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 128adverse — adj 1. antagonistic, hostile, belligerent, bellicose, pugnacious; averse, unfriendly, uncongenial; antipathetic, antipathetical, repugnant, oppugnant, irreconcilable; injurious, inimical, pernicious, noxious, harmful, hurtful, afflictive,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder