adverse to

  • 101adverse interest — The adverse interest of a witness, so as to permit cross examination by the party calling him, must be so involved in the event of the suit that a legal right or liability will be acquired, lost, or materially affected by the judgment, and must… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 102adverse witness — A witness who gives evidence on a material matter prejudicial to the party then examining him. Commonly used to describe a witness whose testimony is prejudicial or unfavorable to the party who called him and as a result, such witness may be… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 103adverse interest — The adverse interest of a witness, so as to permit cross examination by the party calling him, must be so involved in the event of the suit that a legal right or liability will be acquired, lost, or materially affected by the judgment, and must… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 104adverse witness — A witness who gives evidence on a material matter prejudicial to the party then examining him. Commonly used to describe a witness whose testimony is prejudicial or unfavorable to the party who called him and as a result, such witness may be… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 105adverse user — A continuous arid exclusive user as of right for as long as the prescriptive period. 25 Am J1st High § 12. A use against the owner of the servient tenement as distinguished from a use under such owner. Zolfinger v Frank, 110 Utah 514, 175 P2d 714 …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 106adverse weather aerial delivery system — The precise delivery of personnel, equipment, and supplies during adverse weather, using a self contained aircraft instrumentation system without artificial ground assistance or the use of ground navigational aids. Also called AWADS …

    Military dictionary

  • 107Adverse Events — Flou artistique (Dr House) Épisode de Dr House Flou artistique Titre original Adverse Events Épisode Saison 5 Épisode 3 Scénariste(s) Réalisateur Dia …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 108adverse selection — noun The process by which the price and quantity of goods or services in a given market is altered due to one party having information that the other party cannot have at reasonable cost. It is adverse selection that leads US workers who… …


  • 109adverse witness — noun A witness called on behalf of an adverse party. Syn: hostile witness …


  • 110Adverse effect — A harmful or abnormal result. An adverse effect may be caused by exposure to a chemical and be indicated by an untoward result such as by illness or death …

    Medical dictionary