Sloop of war

  • 1Sloop of war — Sloop Sloop, n.[D. sloep, of uncertain origin. Cf. {Shallop}.] 1. (Naut.) A vessel having one mast and fore and aft rig, consisting of a boom and gaff mainsail, jibs, staysail, and gaff topsail. The typical sloop has a fixed bowsprit, topmast,… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 2Sloop-of-War — Sloop Sørvágur, îles Féroé : un sloop au premier plan. Au temps de la marine à voile, le sloop déformation anglophone de chaloupe, ou plus exactement le sloop of war, désignait en Angleterre, les navires plus petits que les frégates, armés… …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 3Sloop-of-war — Sloop Sørvágur, îles Féroé : un sloop au premier plan. Au temps de la marine à voile, le sloop déformation anglophone de chaloupe, ou plus exactement le sloop of war, désignait en Angleterre, les navires plus petits que les frégates, armés… …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 4sloop of war — n. Historical 1. a sailing vessel mounting from 10 to 32 guns 2. later, a small war vessel, having guns mounted on one deck only …

    English World dictionary

  • 5sloop of war — sloop′ of war′ n. mil an armed sailing vessel, smaller than a frigate, having cannons on only one deck • Etymology: 1695–1705 …

    From formal English to slang

  • 6Sloop-of-war — USS Constellation , a later United States Navy sloop of war named after the original frigate.In the 18th and the earlier part of the 19th centuries, a sloop of war was a small sailing warship (also known as one of the escort types) with a single… …


  • 7sloop of war — Corvet Cor vet (k?r v?t), Corvette Cor*vette (k?r v?r ), n. [F. corvette, fr. Pg. corveta or Sp. corbeta, fr. L. corbita a slow sailing ship of burden, fr, corbis basket. Cf. {Corbeil}.] (Naut.) A war vessel, ranking next below a frigate, and… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 8sloop of war — noun a sailing or steam warship having cannons on only one deck • Hypernyms: ↑warship, ↑war vessel, ↑combat ship * * * 1. : a vessel rigged as a ship or as a brig or as a schooner and mounting from 10 to 32 guns 2. : a warship larger than a… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 9sloop of war — Date: 1704 a small warship with guns on only one deck …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 10sloop of war — (formerly) a sailing or steam naval vessel having cannons on only one deck. [1695 1705] * * * …
