Send away

  • 101To give away — Give Give (g[i^]v), v. t. [imp. {Gave} (g[=a]v); p. p. {Given} (g[i^]v n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Giving}.] [OE. given, yiven, yeven, AS. gifan, giefan; akin to D. geven, OS. ge[eth]an, OHG. geban, G. geben, Icel. gefa, Sw. gifva, Dan. give, Goth.… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 102To give one's self away — Give Give (g[i^]v), v. t. [imp. {Gave} (g[=a]v); p. p. {Given} (g[i^]v n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Giving}.] [OE. given, yiven, yeven, AS. gifan, giefan; akin to D. geven, OS. ge[eth]an, OHG. geban, G. geben, Icel. gefa, Sw. gifva, Dan. give, Goth.… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 103To put away — Put Put, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Put}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Putting}.] [AS. potian to thrust: cf. Dan. putte to put, to put into, Fries. putje; perh. akin to W. pwtio to butt, poke, thrust; cf. also Gael. put to push, thrust, and E. potter, v. i.] 1. To …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 104Not Fade Away (Hercules episode) — Infobox Television episode Title= Not Fade Away Series= Season=3 Episode=305 Airdate=28 October, 1996 Production= Writer=John Schulian Director=T. J. Scott Guests=Karen Sheperd (Enforcer) Cynthia Rothrock (Enforcer II) Liddy Holloway (Alcmene)… …


  • 105To fling away — Fling Fling (fl[i^]ng), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Flung} (fl[u^]ng); p. pr. & vb. n. {Flinging}.] [OE. flingen, flengen, to rush, hurl; cf. Icel. flengia to whip, ride furiously, OSw. flenga to strike, Sw. fl[ a]nga to romp, Dan. flenge to slash.] 1.… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 106To pass away — Pass Pass, v. t. 1. In simple, transitive senses; as: (a) To go by, beyond, over, through, or the like; to proceed from one side to the other of; as, to pass a house, a stream, a boundary, etc. (b) Hence: To go from one limit to the other of; to… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 107while two dogs are fighting for a bone, a third runs away with it — c 1386 CHAUCER Knight’s Tale 1. 1177 We stryve as dide the houndes for the boon... Ther cam a kyte, whil that they were so wrothe, And baar awey the boon betwixe hem bothe. 1534 MORE Dialogue of Comfort (1553) I Aiiiv Now strive there twain for… …

    Proverbs new dictionary

  • 108whistle away — see ↑whistle off below. • • • Main Entry: ↑whistle whistle off or whistle away 1. To send off or dismiss by, or as if by, a whistle (falconry) 2. To turn loose 3. To abandon • • • Mai …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 109write away to something for something — ˌwrite ˈoff/aˈway (to sb/sth) (for sth) derived to write to an organization or a company, usually in order to ask them to send you sth Syn: ↑send off • I ve written off for the catalogue. Main entry: ↑writederived …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 110write away to something — ˌwrite ˈoff/aˈway (to sb/sth) (for sth) derived to write to an organization or a company, usually in order to ask them to send you sth Syn: ↑send off • I ve written off for the catalogue. Main entry: ↑writederived …

    Useful english dictionary