Raise blisters on

  • 31red hair —    Traditional ideas about red haired people are not complimentary. Physically, they are said to sweat easily, bleed copiously, have a strong foxy smell, and such bad breath that they can raise blisters on other people simply by breathing over… …

    A Dictionary of English folklore

  • 32vesicate — v.tr. raise blisters on. Derivatives: vesicant adj. & n. vesication n. vesicatory adj. & n. Etymology: LL vesicare vesicat (as VESICA) …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 33ves|i|ca|to|ry — «VEHS uh kuh TAWR ee, TOHR », adjective, noun, plural ries. –adj. that can raise blisters. –n. = vesicant. (Cf. ↑vesicant) …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 34blister — /blis teuhr/, n. 1. a thin vesicle on the skin, containing watery matter or serum, as from a burn or other injury. 2. any similar swelling, as an air bubble in a coat of paint. 3. a relatively large bubble occurring in glass during blowing. 4.… …


  • 35Characters in the Deltora Quest series — The Deltora series features a wide line of characters, both important and minor. The series also features many different monsters and creatures that appeared in all of the many different books. This article is a list of the many different… …


  • 36blis|ter — «BLIHS tuhr», noun, verb. –n. 1. a little baglike place in the skin filled with watery matter. Blisters are often caused by burns or rubbing. SYNONYM(S): vesicle, bleb. 2. a similar swelling on the surface of a plant, on metal, on the surface of… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 37En pointe — Dancing on pointe, or en pointe (pronounced IPA|/ɑ̃ pwɛ̃t/, often anglicised as IPA|/ɑn pwɛ̃t/ or IPA|/ɑn pɔɪnt/), is the act of standing on the tips of the toes while performing steps from ballet. Also known as pointe work, it is performed using …


  • 38Confrontation (Rackham) — Confrontation Manufacturer(s) Rackham Designer(s) Jean Bey Publisher(s) Rackham Years active 6 Players 2 Playing time 12 …


  • 39Blister — A collection of fluid underneath the top layer of skin (epidermis). One that is more than 5 mm in diameter with thin walls and is full of watery fluid is called a bulla or a bleb. There are many causes of blisters including burns, friction forces …

    Medical dictionary

  • 40blister — n. & v. n. 1 a small bubble on the skin filled with serum and caused by friction, burning, etc. 2 a similar swelling on any other surface. 3 Med. anything applied to raise a blister. 4 sl. an annoying person. v. 1 tr. raise a blister on. 2 intr.… …

    Useful english dictionary