Put into circulation

  • 101pass — I Permission to pass; a license to go or come; a certificate, emanating from authority, wherein it is declared that a designated person is permitted to go beyond certain boundaries which, without such authority, he could not lawfully pass. Also a …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 102circulate — v. 1 intr. go round from one place or person etc. to the next and so on; be in circulation. 2 tr. a cause to go round; put into circulation. b give currency to (a report etc.). c circularize. 3 intr. be actively sociable at a party, gathering,… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 103pass — 1. v. & n. v. (past part. passed) (see also PAST). 1 intr. (often foll. by along, by, down, on, etc.) move onward; proceed, esp. past some point of reference (saw the procession passing). 2 tr. a go past; leave (a thing etc.) on one side or… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 104Porphyry of Gaza — Saint Porphyry of Gaza Bishop and Confessor Born c. 347 Thessalonica, Greece Died February 26, 420 Gaza, Palestine Honored in Eastern Orthodox Churches Oriental Orthodox Churches Roman Catholic Chu …


  • 105fiduciary — One who must act for the benefit of another party. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. fiduciary fi‧du‧ci‧a‧ry 1 [fɪˈduːʆiəri ǁ eri] noun fiduciaries PLURALFORM 1. [countable] LAW someone who is responsible for the assets of people,… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 106foist — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. palm off (see deception). II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) v. palm off, sneak in, fob, pass off, *pull a fast one. III (Roget s Thesaurus II) verb 1. To offer or put into circulation (an inferior or… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 107pass off — I (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To pretend] Syn. pass for, make a pretense of, palm off*; see pretend 1 . 2. [To disappear] Syn. cease, vanish, fade out, fall away; see disappear . II (Roget s Thesaurus II) I verb To offer or put into circulation (an… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 108fob off — (Roget s Thesaurus II) verb To offer or put into circulation (an inferior or spurious item): foist, palm off, pass off, put off. See HONEST …

    English dictionary for students

  • 109palm off — (Roget s Thesaurus II) verb To offer or put into circulation (an inferior or spurious item): fob off, foist, pass off, put off. See HONEST …

    English dictionary for students

  • 110issue — I. n. 1. Egress, exit, outlet, way out, passage out. 2. Delivering, delivery, sending out. 3. Amount issued, number printed, impression, edition. 4. Edition, copy, number. 5. Event, consequence, end, termination, conclusion, consummation, result …

    New dictionary of synonyms