Popular superstitions

  • 1popular, vulgar — These words are no longer synonymous, but for many centuries they were. Popular is derived from a Latin word meaning people ; vulgar comes from a Latin term meaning the general public. (The English word mob is a shortened form of Latin mobile… …

    Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • 2superstitions —    Some recent folklorists shun the term superstition as being too pejorative, preferring the less value laden belief . This, however, is too broad a term and, for convenience, we have kept the older word, emboldened by the fact that it is… …

    A Dictionary of English folklore

  • 3Theatrical superstitions — are superstitions particular to actors or the theatre.The Scottish playShakespeare s play Macbeth is said to be cursed, so actors avoid saying its name (the euphemism The Scottish Play is used instead). Actors also avoid even quoting the lines… …


  • 4Dracula in popular culture — Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula at the Hollywood Wax Museum The character of Count Dracula from the 1897 novel Dracula by Bram Stoker, has remained popular over the years, and many films have used the Count as a villain, while others have named him… …


  • 5Cannibalism in popular culture — Cannibalism is a recurring theme in popular cultureLiteratureCannibalism in literature, a species of horror fiction, is represented by some significant works: * William Shakespeare s Titus Andronicus , in which Tamora is unknowingly served a pie… …


  • 6Portrayal of Tamil Brahmins in popular media — Positive portrayals = In literature and print mediaThere have been references to Brahmins even in the earliest period of Tamil literature. Most of these early books were written by Brahmins.Fact|date=October 2008 A sage named Gautama who served… …


  • 7Black Mass — LaVeyan Satanism Associated organizations The Church of Satan First Satanic Church Prominent figures Anton LaVey | Diane LaVey | Blanche Barton | Peter H. Gilmore | Peggy Nadramia | Karla LaVeyAssociated concepts Left Hand Path | Pentagonal… …


  • 8Geordie — (pronEng|ˈdʒɔrdi) is a regional nickname for a person from the Tynesidecite web|url=http://www.askoxford.com/concise oed/geordie?view=uk|title=AskOxford.com a person from Tyneside|accessdate=2007 09 01] region of England, or the name of the… …


  • 9Samuel Marinus Zwemer — www.zwemercenter.com Born April 12, 1867 Vriesland, Michigan, USA Died April 2, 1952 New York City, New York, USA Ed …


  • 10Christianity in Gaul — The Christian Church in Gaul first appears in history in connexion with the persecution in Lyon, the religious center of Roman Gaul where the Sanctuary of the Three Gauls was located, under Marcus Aurelius in 177. Positive information concerning… …
