Popular superstitions

  • 41Collins, William — ▪ English poet born Dec. 25, 1721, Chichester, Sussex, Eng. died June 12, 1759, Chichester       pre Romantic English poet whose lyrical odes adhered to Neoclassical forms but were Romantic in theme and feeling. Though his literary career was… …


  • 42Erastus, Thomas — ▪ Swiss physician and theologian original name  Thomas Lüber, Lieber, or Liebler   born Sept. 7, 1524, Baden, Switz. died Dec. 31, 1583, Basel  Swiss physician and religious controversialist whose name is preserved in Erastianism, a doctrine of… …


  • 43Ismāʿīl Shahīd, Muḥammad — ▪ Indian religious reformer born April 29, 1779, Phulat, India died May 6, 1831, Balakote       Indian Muslim reformer who attempted to purge Indian Islam from idolatry and who preached holy war against the Sikhs and the British.       As a… …


  • 44Nasoraeans —     Nasoræans     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Nasoræans     Sometimes called MANDÆANS, SABIANS, or CHRISTIANS OF ST. JOHN.     Nasoræans are pagan Gnostics who shortly before the rise of Christianity, formed a sect which flourished in Mesopotamia… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 45felidomancy — noun Divination by interpreting the appearance and behaviour of cats. FELIDOMANCY: Divination involving the behavior or actions of a cat, ranging from changes in weather to unexpected visitors, or other occurrences. Dating from the Middle Ages,… …


  • 46Magonia (mythology) — According to the treatise on weather magic composed by Carolingian bishop Agobard of Lyon in 815, Magonia is the name of the cloud realm from where felonious aerial sailors were said to have come. The inhabitants of this realm, the Magonians were …


  • 47Le Clos du Valle — ist der größere östliche Gebietsteil der beiden Gebietsteile von Vale (gelb) Gewässer Ärmelkanal …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 48Irische Elfenmärchen — Die Banshi von Bunworth, Illustration in Crokers Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland (1825) Irische Elfenmärchen ist der deutsche Titel einer Textsammlung in der Übersetzung der Brüder Grimm. Sie erschien in Leipzig 1826. Ihre… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 49AUB`REY, JOHN —    an eminent antiquary, a friend of Anthony Wood s; inherited estates in Wilts, Hereford, and Wales, all of which he lost by lawsuits and bad management; was intimate with all the literary men of the day; left a vast number of MSS.; published… …

    The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • 50folk-lore — n. Popular superstitions …

    New dictionary of synonyms