Pertaining to living beings

  • 81animal — animalic /an euh mal ik/, animalian /an euh may lee euhn, mayl yeuhn/, adj. /an euh meuhl/, n. 1. any member of the kingdom Animalia, comprising multicellular organisms that have a well defined shape and usually limited growth, can move… …


  • 82FOLKLORE — This entry is arranged according to the following outline: introduction …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 83Muhammad Fazal Khan Changwi — Maulawi Muhammad Fazal Khan Changawi (1868–1938) was an erudite writer of numerous learned books on Islam, and a celebrated translator of Futuhat Makkiya by Ibn Arabi and some of his other works. His most important original contribution to the… …


  • 84ZIONISM — This article is arranged according to the following outline: the word and its meaning forerunners ḤIBBAT ZION ROOTS OF ḤIBBAT ZION background to the emergence of the movement the beginnings of the movement PINSKER S AUTOEMANCIPATION settlement… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 85dualism — dualist, n., adj. /dooh euh liz euhm, dyooh /, n. 1. the state of being dual or consisting of two parts; division into two. 2. Philos. a. the view that there are just two mutually irreducible substances. Cf. monism, pluralism. b. the view that… …


  • 86fairy — /fair ee/, n., pl. fairies, adj. n. 1. (in folklore) one of a class of supernatural beings, generally conceived as having a diminutive human form and possessing magical powers with which they intervene in human affairs. 2. Slang (disparaging and… …


  • 87Narrative of the abduction phenomenon — The narrative of the abduction phenomenon is an alleged core of similarity in contents and chronology underlying various claims of forced temporary abduction of humans by apparently otherworldly beings. Proponents of the abduction phenomenon… …


  • 88Continental philosophy — Collective term for the many distinct philospohical traditions, methods, and styles that predominated on the European continent (particularly in France and Germany) from the time of Immanuel Kant. It is usually understood in contrast with… …


  • 89Adam — • First man and father of the human race Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Adam     Adam     † …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 90social — so•cial [[t]ˈsoʊ ʃəl[/t]] adj. 1) soc pertaining to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations: a social club[/ex] 2) soc friendly or sociable, as persons or the disposition 3) soc pertaining to, connected with, or… …

    From formal English to slang