Parental love

  • 1parental love — noun a) The love of parents towards their children. b) By extension, love which is similar to parental love …


  • 2Love — For other uses, see Love (disambiguation). Archetypal lovers Romeo and Juliet portrayed by Frank Dicksee …


  • 3Love (religious views) — Whether religious love can be expressed in similar terms to interpersonal love is a matter for philosophical debate. Religious love might be considered a euphemistic term, more closely describing feelings of deference or acquiescence. Most… …


  • 4Love (cultural views) — This page contains cultural views on the topic of love.Cultural viewsChinese* Ai (愛) is used as a verb (e.g. Wo ai ni , I love you ) or as a noun, especially in aiqing (愛情), love or romance. In mainland China since 1949, (愛人, originally lover, or …


  • 5Love (scientific views) — From a scientifically testable frame of reference, love is a type of interpersonal relationship where mutual assumption of good faith results in a state of emergence, i.e. constituents individually perceive the group s social evolution as both… …


  • 6Parental Advisory — is a message affixed by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) to audio and video recordings in the United States containing offensive language and/or content. Albums began to be labeled for explicit lyrics in 1985, after pressure… …


  • 7Love-shyness — is a phrase created by psychologist Brian G. Gilmartin to describe a specific type of severe chronic shyness. According to his definition, published in Shyness Love: Causes, Consequences, and Treatments (1987), love shy people find it difficult… …


  • 8Love Won Out — is an ex gay ministry launched by Focus on the Family in 1998. It was founded by John Paulk under the direction of James Dobson. Its purpose is to exhort and equip Christian churches to respond in a Christ like way to homosexuality from the… …


  • 9Love, et autres drogues — Données clés Titre québécois L Amour et les Autres Drogues Titre original Love and Other Drugs Réalisation Edward Zwick Scénario Edward Zwick Charles Randolph Marshall Herskovitz d’après le livre Hard …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 10Parental investment — For theory that females invest more energy into producing child, see Bateman s principle. For cost of raising a human child, see Cost of raising a child. A female Calliope Hummingbird feeding her chicks In evolutionary biology, parental investme …
