1The Facts of Business Life. What Every Successful Business Owner Knows that You Don't , Bill McBean
IF YOU BELIEVE THAT: Being your own boss can be a great career choice Success is what you decide it is Doing what you have a passion and talent for can be very profitable Monetary risk, hard work… 1622.74 руб электронная книга2A Job Description for the Business Owner , Александр Александрович Высоцкий (2015)
What is the difference between the duties of a business owner and the duties of a senior executive in a company? If you are a business owner, you probably have already asked yourself this question… 490 руб электронная книга3Duck and Recover. The Embattled Business Owner's Guide to Survival and Growth , Steven Little S.
Business growth expert Steven S. Little gives you the real-world strategies you need to navigate your business through economic uncertainty If you're a business owner or leader, you're no doubt… 1495.45 руб электронная книга4Monsters: An Owner's Guide , Emmett Jonathan (2014)
The complete story and original illustrations of MONSTERS: AN OWNER'S GUIDE by Jonathan Emmett and Mark Oliver have been specially re-designed into a smaller early reader format. Created with expert… 303 руб5Monsters: An Owner`s Guide , Emmett Jonathan (2014)
The complete story and original illustrations of MONSTERS: AN OWNER`S GUIDE by Jonathan Emmett and Mark Oliver have been specially re-designed into a smaller early reader format. Created with expert… 392 грн (только Украина)6The Business Owner's Guide to Reading and Understanding Financial Statements. How to Budget, Forecast, and Monitor Cash Flow for Better Decision Making , Lita Epstein
Financial statements hold the key to a company's fiscal health—so learn to read them! In order to gauge a company's health—as well as the competition's—managers must know how to properly read… 1299.97 руб электронная книга7Become a Franchise Owner!. The Start-Up Guide to Lowering Risk, Making Money, and Owning What you Do , Joel Libava
The definitive A-to-Z guide to researching, selecting, and starting a viable franchise business With more and more professionals looking for alternatives to traditional corporate employment, Become a… 1430.29 руб электронная книга8Levi Strauss&Co. executive, Bay Area philanthropist, and owner of the Oakland Athletics , Heyns Roger W (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 1315 руб9The Sweet Shop Owner , Swift Graham (2010)
In the sweet shop Willy Chapman was free, absolved from all responsibility, and he ran his sweet shop like his life - quietly, steadfastly, devotedly. It was a bargain struck between Chapman and his… 684 руб10Buying and Selling Real Estate by Owner , Everett L. Gracey (1998)
"Buying and Selling Real Estate" is absolutely essential for anyone who wants to know how to sell his/her home without a real estate agent or what to look for in purchasing a home. Whether you are a… 298 руб