One time

  • 51One-Time Item — An accounting item in a company’s income statement that is non recurring in nature. In order to get a true gauge of a company s operating performance, one time items are usually excluded by analysts and investors while evaluating a company …

    Investment dictionary

  • 52One Time for All Time — Эта статья слишком короткая. Пожалуйста, дополните её ещ …


  • 53One time key — A one time key is a cryptographic key used once and then discarded, used either to authenticate or encrypt data.If a key is used only once and is truly random, it is theoretically unbreakable …


  • 54One-time offer — The one time offer pages (or OTO) is a technique widely used in Internet marketing. The trader takes the audience to a page where they can receive the offer only once. If the visitor leaves the page may not come again. The OTO is an effective… …


  • 55one-time password — vienkartinis slaptažodis statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Slaptažodis, galiojantis vienam ryšio seansui. Kai klientas užmezga ryšį su serveriu, serveris jam išsiunčia teksto eilutę. Klientas šią eilutę sumaišo su iš šio serverio prieš… …

    Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • 56one time — adverb on one occasion once I ran into her • Syn: ↑once, ↑in one case …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 57one-time — adjective belonging to some prior time erstwhile friend our former glory the once capital of the state her quondam lover • Syn: ↑erstwhile, ↑former, ↑old, ↑onetime, ↑ …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 58one-time order — /ˌwʌn taɪm ɔ:də/ noun an order for an advertising spot for a particular time which is not scheduled to be repeated …

    Marketing dictionary in english

  • 59one time — once; former …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 60one-time — adjective former …

    English new terms dictionary