Insulting rudeness

  • 41with a bad grace — phrasal or with an ill grace or with bad grace or with ill grace : with unconcealed reluctance and usually rudeness : with marked lack of grace accepted his defeat with bad grace and became almost insulting …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 42con|tu|me|ly — «KON tu muh lee, tyu ; MEE ; kuhn TOO , TYOO », noun, plural lies. 1. insulting words or actions; humiliating treatment; insolent contempt: »The nobles treated the peasants with contumely. These people are willing to face the contempt of the… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 43in|so|lence — «IHN suh luhns», noun. 1. bold rudeness; insulting behavior or speech; intentional disregard of the feelings of others. SYNONYM(S): effrontery. 2. Obsolete. pride; arrogance …

    Useful english dictionary