Cause to quiver

  • 1quiver — I. /ˈkwɪvə / (say kwivuh) verb (i) 1. to shake with a slight but rapid motion; vibrate tremulously; tremble. –verb (t) 2. to cause to quiver. –noun 3. the act or state of quivering; a tremble; a tremor. {? from Middle English quyver, Old English… …

  • 2quiver — quiver1 verb shake or tremble with a slight rapid motion. ↘cause to make a slight rapid motion. noun a slight trembling movement or sound. Derivatives quivering adjective quiveringly adverb quivery adjective Origin ME: from OE cwifer nimble,… …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 3shake — [shāk] vt. shook, shaken, shaking [ME schaken < OE sceacan, akin to LowG schaken < IE * skeg , var. of base * skek > SHAG1] 1. to cause to move up and down, back and forth, or from side to side with short, quick movements 2. to bring,… …

    English World dictionary

  • 4vibrate — vibratingly, adv. /vuy brayt/, v., vibrated, vibrating. v.i. 1. to move rhythmically and steadily to and fro, as a pendulum; oscillate. 2. to move to and fro or up and down quickly and repeatedly; quiver; tremble. 3. (of sounds) to produce or… …


  • 5vibrate — [c]/vaɪˈbreɪt / (say vuy brayt) verb (vibrated, vibrating) –verb (i) 1. to move to and fro, as a pendulum; oscillate. 2. to move to and fro or up and down quickly and repeatedly; quiver; tremble. 3. (of sounds) to produce or have a quivering or… …

  • 6vibrate — vi•brate [[t]ˈvaɪ breɪt[/t]] v. brat•ed, brat•ing 1) phs to move to and fro, as a pendulum; oscillate 2) to move to and fro or up and down quickly and repeatedly; quiver; tremble 3) phs (of sounds) to produce or have a quivering or vibratory… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 7quiv|er — quiv|er1 «KWIHV uhr», verb, noun. –v.i. to shake with a slight but rapid motion; shiver; tremble: »The dog quivered with excitement. Her lip quivered like that of a child about to cry (Booth Tarkington). SYNONYM(S): See syn. under shake. (Cf.… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 8vibrate — I. v. n. 1. Oscillate, swing, move to and fro, move backward and forward. 2. Impinge, sound, quiver, produce a vibratory effect. 3. Vacillate, hesitate, waver, fluctuate. II. v. a. 1. Brandish, swing, move to and fro. 2. Cause to quiver, undulate …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 9vibrate — [vī′brāt΄] vt. vibrated, vibrating [< L vibratus, pp. of vibrare, to vibrate, shake < IE * weib (< base * wei , to turn) > WIPE] 1. to give off (light or sound) by vibration 2. to set in to and fro motion; oscillate 3. to cause to… …

    English World dictionary

  • 10shake — [c]/ʃeɪk / (say shayk) verb (shook, shaken, shaking) –verb (i) 1. to move or sway with short, quick, irregular vibratory movements. 2. to tremble with emotion, cold, etc. 3. to fall (down, off, etc.) by such motion: sand shakes off readily. 4. to …