

In stability theory, hyperstability is a property of a system that requires the state vector to remain bounded if the inputs are restricted to belonging to a subset of the set of all possible inputs. Brian D. O Anderson, "A Simplified Viewpoint of Hyperstability", "IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, June 1968" ] [http://users.rsise.anu.edu.au/~briandoa/pubs/R51AN68.pdf]

DefinitionZinober, Deterministic control of uncertain systems, 1990 ] : A system is hyperstable if there are two constants k_1 ge 0, k_2 ge 0 such that any state trajectory of the system satisfies the inequality:

:| x(t) | < k_1 |x(0)| + k_2, , forall t ge 0


See also

* Stability theory

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