- Gruey
"Gruey" was a
1988 BBC children's comedyTV series about the misadventures and escapades of Stephen 'Gruey' Grucock, a mischievous schoolboy in the Jennings andJust William mould. In1989 another series was produced and aired, titled "Gruey Twoey". Gruey was played byKieran O'Brien , who went on to star alongside Robbie Coltrane in Cracker; playing his son.The part of Annie Mappin was played by
Casey-Lee Jolleys who was also a presenter on Channel 5'sMilkshake! for 2 years, as well as starring in the Channel 5 children's series Beachcomber Bay for 3 years and is now helping find the next generation of young stars at [http://caseyleejolleysacademy.com/ The Casey Lee Jolleys Academy of Dance & Drama] which she co-owns withBobby Ball .External links
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/guide/articles/g/gruey_1299001334.shtml BBC Comedy guide]
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