HP Marti

HP Marti

Hans Peter Marti (April 28,1953), Swiss Canadian artist. Early member of Toronto Photographer's Co-Op [http://archive.gallerytpw.ca/index.php?c=show&id=7902&h=archive] . By invitation of painter Rae Johnson [http://ccca.feinearts.yorku.ca/artists/work_detail.html?languagePref=en&mkey=941&title=Clouds+Breaking&artist=Johnson%2C+Rae&link_id=904] he joined ChromaZone [http://www.ccca.ca/history/chroma/index.html?languagePref=en&] , an artists collective in Toronto, Canada,shortly after it was founded in summer 1981. Created unique installation art and performance art during the late 70s and early 80s. His most characteristic works of are, "Bon Voyage/Gute Reise "(1981),slideshow of life size photographic self portraits traveled around the world by friends, photographed in places the artist never visited, "2.Canadaday firewroks"(1982), home style fireworks and live music , "Triumphs are for Dogs" (1982), Inflatable/deflatable sculpture made of parachute Nylon.

Exhibitions he co-curated, "OKromazone" [http://www.ccca.ca/history/chroma/cover-34.html] , "Fire&Ice" [http://ccca.finearts.yorku.ca/resources/searches/event_detail.html?languagePref=en&vk=1203] , "Spectrum Zurich" [http://www.mercerunion.org/archive95/228.html] .

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