

Infobox Beverage

origin= Flagicon|Italy Italy
introduced= 1963
abv = 40.0%
proof= 80
related= List of vodkas
variants= Strawberry, Peach, Lemon, Melon, Apple, Mint, Blueberry, Berry Mix, Strawberry and Cream, Licorice, Mango and Maracuja, Green Tea.

Keglevich is an Italian brand of vodka.
It is produced by Stock S.p.A., a liqueur company founded in 1882 by Lionello Stock located in Trieste.A vodka from the long tradition of Eastern Europe, Keglevich Classic is distilled entirely from pure grain with the original 1882 recipe invented by the Hungarian Count Stephan Keglevich. Keglevich vodka is marketed in Europe, Russia, USA, and Japan.


Keglevich Delicious is a range of 6 fruit-flavored vodkas:
* Strawberry
* Peach
* Melon
* Berry Mix
* Blueberry
* Strawberry and Cream

Keglevich Fresh is a range of 3 flavored vodkas:
* Lemon
* Apple
* Mint

Keglevich Exotic is a range of 2 vodka-based, flavored drinks:
* Mango and Maracuja
* Green TeaKeglevich Luxuria
* Licorice

They all are available in 0,70l thick glass bottles.

External links

* [ Keglevich Official Website]

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