- Catapult (Gladiators)
Infobox Gladiators Event
Event_Name = Catapult|
Int. Year =1998
origin_country= flag|United Kingdom
Used In = flag|United Kingdom
Last_Used =1998
num_cont = 2
num_glad = 2
timelim = 60 secondsCatapult was an event played during the initial UK series of "Gladiators". In this event, particiants were suspended in the air to bungee cords and had to bounce themselves up and down with the contenders trying to throw balls into the goals the Gladiators were marking.
On the whistle, two contenders and two Gladiators would pull themselves up on their harnesses to gain momentum. Above each contender was a tray containing sponge balls. The contenders had to throw balls into the goal directly opposite them which a Gladiator was marking during the 60 second game. A successful goal would earn 2 points.
Contenders could throw as many balls as they wanted to per bounce but could only throw them at their allocated goal. In comparison, the Gladiator could only deflect balls thrown by their allocated contender. A Gladiator may not touch their goal deliberatly or hold momentum on the bungee cords.
Event History
Years active: 1998
Only three matches of Catapult were played, all during the final full series of the initial UK Gladiators run.
The event had many modifications between the initial concept and the first match with problems arising during both development and training, with the gameplay being completely rethought. The 1998 Gladiators programme lists Catapult as being along the lines of volleyball with a net between Gladiators and contenders.
Catapult will not be returning for the first series of the 2008 revival.
* [http://www.gladiatorszone.co.uk/events/catapult.php Gladiators Zone- Catapult]
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