Boule Lyonnaise

Boule Lyonnaise

Boule Lyonnaise (" 'Sport-boules' " or " 'Le jeu Lyonnaise' ") is a popular French form of bowls, and may be the oldest of the in French Boules sports.

In Italy, the game Volo (english: "flight"), which is played with bronze "boules", follows the same set of rules to "Lyonnaise" [ - Italian Games] (accessed 18/05/2008)] .


The current version of the game developed during the 18th Century around the area of Lyon(As it's name suggests).

Then in 1906, the Fédération Lyonnaise et Régionale formed, which led to Le Fédération Nationale des Boules in 1933 which then became the Fédération Française de Boules in 1942.

The Grounds and Equipment

Under official rules, the ground must measure 27.5m in length and between 2.5m to 4m in width, with a clear play area of 12.5m and 7.5m at each end(One end is the Landing zone, and the other is where the players stand and throw).

When the " 'Jack' " is thrown, it must land at least 12.5m away from the player.

The boules vary in size, weight and composition, usually to accommodate the player's comfort, but tend to made of steel or plastic(with the jack being wooden) and are usually between 9 and 11 cm in diameter and weigh less than 1.3kg, however, they must be properly centrally balanced. Each player has 3 or 4 boules when playing as singles, or 3 boules per side in team play.


The basic rules are similar to the game of Pétanque Marseillaise, in that the aim is to throw your boules as close to the jack as possible, and keep them there.


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