Werner Horn

Werner Horn

Werner Horn was a German citizen and would-be saboteur.


A German reserve army lieutenant and manager of a coffee plantation in Guatemala at the outbreak of World War I, Horn traveled to New York City in order to return to Germany, but could not leave because of the British blockade of the North Sea. Instead, he was enlisted by Franz von Papen, then the German Imperial military attache in Washington D.C., who would later become Chancellor of Germany in the early 1930s). Papen paid Horn an alleged $700 to sabotage the Saint Croix-Vanceboro Bridge of the Canadian Pacific Railway located in Vanceboro, Maine. Vanceboro was at the time a major point of entry into the United States from Canada.

The Incident

On the morning of February 2, 1915, Horn attempted to blow up the bridge. To minimize the risk of killing anyone, Horn set a short fuse, hoping that the explosion would occur after he had walked back across the bridge to Vanceboro, but before another train arrived. Horn's plan failed because much of the dynamite had frozen.

Arrest, Trial and Aftermath

Horn was apprehended upon returning to his hotel, where he met the proprietor in the lobby and immediately confessed. He was arrested, tried and found guilty. Due to the fact that the U.S. was neutral at the time, he was only sentenced to 30 days imprisonment for property destruction. At the urging of the British ambassador to the U.S., however, Horn was extradited to Canada and sentenced to five years imprisonment for espionage. He was released when the war ended in 1918.


Lavallee, C.M. (2007). "Canadian Pacific to the East: The International of Maine Division," Ottawa, ON: Bytown Railway Society. ISBN-13 978-0-921871-10-1

"New York Times", "Federal Charge Holds Bridge Dynamiter", Mar. 8, 1915, p. 1 [http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?_r=1&res=9A06E7DD123FE233A2575BC0A9659C946496D6CF&oref=slogin]

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