

Upata is a located Venezuelan city inside the bulk of Guayana. It is the capital and population more important of the municipality Piar, in the State Bolivar. One is located between the river basins of the rivers Orinoco and Cuyuní. The name of Upata is an indigenous word, probably of the Kamaracoto ethnic group, who means in pink Spanish “Rose of the mountain”


It is known that the first attempt of foundation of Upata became towards 1739, with the name of Our Lady of the Candlemas, as place for the Earth culture on the part of island labriegos (canary). Nevertheless, he was the 7 of 1762 July, when Fray Antonio de Cervera founded the city with the name of Villa of the Yocoima of San Antonio de Padua, in honor to the italian sanit from Padua "San Antonio Di Padova, when the Capucin missionaries entered Faith Catholic the region.

Population and geography

Upata is capital of the Municipality Piar of the state Bolivar. Its main economic strength is its farming potential and its grounds apt for the culture of the coffee and the maize. The zones near Upata are, by characteristics, propitious for the cattle ranch and the production of bovine meat. The economy of Upata also is sustained in the milk production and the elaboration of the typical cheese of Guayana, known as hand cheese.

Upata also stands out by its natural beauties, among them: The Stone of Santa Maria, the Hill the Toro and the Guacarapo Hill where is a monument to the virgin of La Paz.

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