Elba Rosa Rodríguez-Fuentes

Elba Rosa Rodríguez-Fuentes

Elba Rosa Rodríguez-Fuentes was born in Havana, Cuba on April 27, 1948. She left Cuba in 1966 and moved to Puerto Rico, where she settled, married, and had two children. She obtained a bachelor's degree in Mathematics Education, a master's degree in Administration and Supervision, and a juris doctor degree, all at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras campus. She graduated with honors from each of her degree programs.

Ms. Rodriguez began her law career as a law clerk at the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico (1981-1982). After that, she worked in private practice in local and federal courts. Among her career highlights, was her close working relationship with the renown Puerto Rican lawyer, Lino Saldana, former judge of the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico. She specialized in civil rights litigation and personnel affairs (e.g., Estrada-Izquierdo v. Aponte-Roque [ [http://bulk.resource.org/courts.gov/c/F2/850/850.F2d.10.87-1567.html] ] ).

As a public servant she was director of the Office of Legal Services of the Department of Education and senior vice president of the Government Development Bank of Puerto Rico.

The most personally meaningful appointment of her professional career was serving as an advisor to Rafael Hernandez Colon in the area of government (1990-1992). During this time she gained broad experience and knowledge of Puerto Rico's government. At the end of her term at Fortaleza she was appointed superior judge to the Superior Court of Ponce. She served in the judiciary as both civil and criminal judge and also as an administrator of the regions of Ponce (1993-1998) and Carolina (1998-1999).

Ms. Rodriguez served in 2001 as Governor Sila Calderón's Chief Legislative Assistant. In 2002 she was appointed by then Senate President Antonio Fas Alzamora and Speaker Carlos Vizcarrondo as Director of the Office of Legislative Services of Puerto Rico [ [http://www.oslpr.org/english/master.asp?NAV=ABOUT Office of Legislative Services - Senate of Puerto Rico - House of Representatives ] ] , a post she held until 2004.

She served as the president (2006-2007) of the Special Independent Counsel Panel of Puerto Rico, which reviews the Puerto Rico Attorney General's recommendations regarding the appointment of Special Independent Counsels to investigate and prosecute high-level public officials. Members of the SIC Panel wield greater power and influence than judges, thus requiring not only the confirmation by the Senate that judges require, but confirmation by the House of Representatives as well. The only other positions requiring joint confirmation under the Constitution and laws of Puerto Rico are the Secretary of State, who also serves as Lt. Governor, the Comptroller, the Director of the Ethics Office and the Ombudsman. Her nomination by Governor Aníbal Acevedo Vilá required confirmation by the Senate of Puerto Rico, as well as the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico. She initially failed to obtain House confirmation but was renominated until finally confirmed by the House after repeatedly obtaining Senate confirmation. Prior to her joint legislative confirmation, she served as an advisor to the mayor of Ponce, Puerto Rico, Francisco Zayas Seijo, a fact that surfaced as a bone of contention during the House's initial refusal to confirm her.

Ms, Rodriguez has two children, Manuel A. Domenech and Melanie M. Domenech. Manuel is an industrial engineer. He has bachelor's (Engineering) and mater's (Business Administration) degrees from Rutgers University. Melanie is a professor and psychologist. She also completed her undergraduate education at Rutgers University and a master's and doctoral degree at Colorado State University. Ms. Rodriguez has four grandchildren, two from each of her children.

Currently, Ms. Rodriguez is not engaged in any professional activities due to health problems.


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