raising revenue — Levying taxes. Anno: 4 ALR2d 975 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Read my lips: no new taxes — Bush delivering the famous line at the 1988 convention Read my lips: no new taxes is a now famous phrase spoken by then presidential candidate George H. W. Bush at the 1988 Republican National Convention as he accepted the nomination on August 18 … Wikipedia
Read my lips: no new taxes — George Bush im Wahlkampf des Jahres 1988 „Read my lips: no new taxes“ (wörtlich: „Lest es von meinen Lippen ab: Keine neuen Steuern“, sinngemäß: „Nehmt mich beim Wort: Keine neuen Steuern“) war ein berühmtes Versprechen des amerikanischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stealth Taxes — A type of levy that governments use to increase their revenues without raising the ire of taxpayers. Compared to income taxes and property taxes, stealth taxes are smaller and less visible, so they are less likely to attract attention or spark… … Investment dictionary
equalization of taxes — A process necessary properly to fulfil constitutional requirements of equality and uniformity in taxation. The process of adjusting the aggregate values of property as between different taxing districts, so that the value of the whole tax imposed … Ballentine's law dictionary
revenue raising — noun the alleged practice of using traffic fines as a means of gathering taxes, rather than for road safety … Wiktionary
general taxes — Those imposed by and paid to state which return taxpayer no special benefit other than the protection afforded him and his property by government, and promotion of programs which have for their benefit the welfare of all. A tax, imposed solely or … Black's law dictionary
general taxes — Those imposed by and paid to state which return taxpayer no special benefit other than the protection afforded him and his property by government, and promotion of programs which have for their benefit the welfare of all. A tax, imposed solely or … Black's law dictionary
imposing a heavier tax burden — raising taxes … English contemporary dictionary
revenue enhancement — raising taxes What is enhancement for the tax collector is the opposite for his victims. Less often as revenue emolument, an emolument being originally the fee you paid to a miller for grinding your corn … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms