Cauchy index

Cauchy index

In mathematical analysis, the Cauchy index is an integer associated to a real rational function over an interval. By the Routh-Hurwitz theorem, we have the following interpretation: the Cauchy index of


over the real line is the difference between the number of roots of "f"("z") located in the right half-plane and those located in the left-half plane. The complex polynomial "f"("z") is such that


We must also assume that "p" has degree less than the degree of "q".


* The Cauchy index was first defined for a pole "s" of the rational function "r" by Augustin Louis Cauchy in 1837 as:: I_sr=left{egin{matrix}+1 & extrm{if } lim_{x o s,xs}=+infty\-1 & extrm{if } lim_{x o s,xs}=-infty\0 & extrm{else.}&end{matrix} ight.

* A generalization over the compact interval ["a","b"] is direct (when neither "a" nor "b" are poles of "r"("x")): it is the sum of the Cauchy indices I_s of "r" for each "s" located in the interval. We usually denote it by I_a^br.

* We can then generalize to intervals of type [-infty,+infty] since the number of poles of "r" is a finite number (by taking the limit of the Cauchy index over ["a","b"] for "a" and "b" going to infinity).


* Consider the rational function::r(x)=frac{4x^3 -3x}{16x^5 -20x^3 +5x}=frac{p(x)}{q(x)}.We recognize in "p"("x") and "q"("x") respectively the Chebyshev polynomials of degree 3 and 5. Thus the function "r"("x") has poles in x_j=cos((2i-1)pi/2n) for "j"=1,...,5. We can see on the picture that I_{x_1}r=I_{x_2}r=1 and I_{x_4}r=I_{x_5}r=-1. For the pole in zero, we have I_{x_3}r=0 since the left and right limits are equal (which is because "p"("x") also has a root in zero). We conclude that I_{-1}^1r=0=I_{-infty}^{+infty}r since "q"("x") has only 5 roots, all in [-1,1] . We cannot use here the Routh-Hurwitz theorem as each complex polynomial with "f"("iy")="q"("y")+"ip"("y") has a zero on the imaginary line (namely at the origin).

External links

* [ The Cauchy Index]

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