- Andalicán
Andalicán during the era of conquest and colonial times in
Chile was the name of the high hill in the middle of two ravines and site of a fortress built by theMapuche in 1557 to prevent García Hurtado de Mendoza from invadingAraucania [Jerónimo de Vivar , CRÓNICA DE LOS REINOS DE CHILE, Capítulo CXXXII ] north ofMarihueñu and the valley ofColcura . This height overlooks the location of the modern city of Lota inConcepción Province of theBío-Bío Region of Chile. [Diego Barros Arana , Historia general de Chile, Tomo tercero Capítulo 3. ] .Andalicán is also a hill or promontory now in the northern part of the
Arauco Province in theBio-Bio Region ofChile . It is the end of a long low ridge that starts in the mountains to the east and ends in a promontory on the coast extending into theBay of Arauco to the north of the mouth of theLaraquete River . It has steep slopes and is covered with tall trees. It lies immediately to the south ofMarihueñu and the valley ofChivilingo . Through Andalicán lies the road between Lota and the city of Arauco. [Francisco Solano Asta-Buruaga y Cienfuegos, Diccionario geográficopg. 31]Andalicán is also the name given to the region along the banks of the Laraquete River. [Francisco Solano Asta-Buruaga y Cienfuegos, Diccionario geográficopg. 31]
* [http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id=CYYCAAAAYAAJ&dq=+%22Diccionario+geogr%C3%A1fico+de+la+Rep%C3%BAblica+de+Chile%22&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=at2xk7fMpa&sig=iQdGHwos7_hF3dM34ORZdeNS8Bo Francisco Solano Asta-Buruaga y Cienfuegos, Diccionario geográfico de la República de Chile, SEGUNDA EDICIÓN CORREGIDA Y AUMENTADA, NUEVA YORK, D. APPLETON Y COMPAÑÍA. 1899.] pg. 31
*Jerónimo de Vivar , [http://www.artehistoria.jcyl.es/cronicas/contextos/11498.htm Crónica y relación copiosa y verdadera de los reinos de Chile (Chronicle and abundant and true relation of the kingdoms of Chile)] ARTEHISTORIA REVISTA DIGITAL; Crónicas de América (on line in Spanish)
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