- Soviet holocaust
The phrase Soviet holocaust may refer to:
The Holocaust in the territory of theSoviet Union
* A term used by some historians to describe theStalinist purges
* A controversial term for theHolodomor
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
The phrase Soviet holocaust may refer to:
* A term used by some historians to describe the
* A controversial term for the
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Soviet political repression — Soviet political repressions was a de facto and de jure system of prosecution of people who were or perceived to be enemies of the Soviet system. From the beginning its theoretical basis were the theory of Marxism about the class struggle and the … Wikipedia
Soviet Union — From August 1939 to June 1941, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were linked by treaties that permitted a Soviet sphere of influence in eastern Poland and Ukraine, and the occupation of the Baltic states. On the eve of World War II in… … Historical dictionary of the Holocaust
Holocaust Memorial Day (UK) — Holocaust Memorial Day (27 January) is a national event in the United Kingdom dedicated to the remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust. It was first held in January 2001, and has been on 27 January every year since. The chosen date is the… … Wikipedia
Holocaust (disambiguation) — Holocaust can mean: * The Holocaust, or Shoah, the systematic killing mainly of six million Jews, but also of Gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals and other undesirable groups in Europe during World War II. Since 1978, this has been the main meaning of… … Wikipedia
HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY — (Heb. יוֹםהַשּׁוֹאָה; Yom ha Sho ah). In a resolution passed by the Knesset (April 12, 1951) the 27th day of Nisan was proclaimed as Holocaust and Ghetto Uprising Remembrance Day – a day of perpetual remembrance for the House of Israel. This date … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Soviet Armed Forces — Soviet Armed Forces … Wikipedia
Soviet invasion of Manchuria — (1945) Part of World War II and Soviet Japanese War (1945) Soviet gains in North E … Wikipedia
Soviet war crimes — gives a short overview about serious crimes committed by the Red Army s (1918 1946, later Soviet Army) leadership and an unknown number of single members of the Soviet armed forces from 1919 to 1990 inclusive including those in Eastern Europe in… … Wikipedia
Holocaust in Nazi-occupied Lithuania — The Holocaust in Nazi occupied Lithuania resulted in the near total destruction of Lithuanian JewsRef label|a|a|none living in the Nazi controlled Lithuanian territories, known as the Generalbezirk Litauen of Reichskommissariat Ostland from 17… … Wikipedia
Holocaust victims — While the term Holocaust victims generally refers to Jews, the German Nazis also persecuted and often killed millions of members of other groups they considered inferior ( Untermenschen ), undesirable or dangerous. In addition to Jews, the… … Wikipedia