Port-du-Salut cheese

Port-du-Salut cheese

Port-du-Salut or Entrammes is a mild-tasting cow's milk cheese first made by monks in the early 18th century and still produced in monasteries throughout France.

A version of the cheese is produced by a major creamery under the name Port-Salut, though there are subtle differences between the commercially-prepared variety and handmade Port-du-Salut.

The origin of Port Salut is closely linked to the French Revolution of 1789. Fleeing from the persecutions and the fear of terror, a congregation of Trappist Monks set themselves up abroad and, in order to earn enough money to survive, learned how to make cheese. When they returned to France in 1815, they built a new abbey at Notre Dame, and continued to make their cheese.

Port Salut is a semi-soft natural cheese that is easily recognized by its orange rind. Unlike many other French cheeses, it is rather mild and sweet in flavor. The smooth and velvety texture has a highly desirable light acidic taste giving freshness and a great finish. Port Salut has universal appeal.

Port Salut is smooth, delectable cheese made in the province of Brittany on the west coast of France. A region very similar to Maine, the countryside of Brittany is bordered by the ocean, boats and fish, and is steeped in coastal weather extremes. This happens to be great dairy territory, for it is responsible for 20% of France's entire cattle raising, producing 20% of its milk and 33% of its butter.

Port Salut has an honorable past and fascinating history. Originally named Port du Salut after the abbey of Notre Dame and made strictly for consumption at the monastery. A visit to Paris by the head of the abbey in 1873 resulted in an opportunistic distribution agreement with a Parisian cheese seller. A year later, sales of this disc shaped cheese were phenomenal and the monks registered Port du Salut as a trade name.

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