Currant bun

Currant bun
Mini currant buns.

A currant bun is a bun that contains currants or raisins.

The Chelsea bun is a variant. Neither should be confused with a spiced bun.

Currant Bun is English rhyming slang for the tabloid newspaper The Sun.[1]

History of currant buns

Towards the end of the seventeenth century the Reverend Samuel Wigley founded the Currant Bun Company in Southampton, Hampshire UK. He imported currants from the island of Zakynthos where he had served as a missionary in his youth. Despite having failed to convert the population to Puritanism he did bring back the prize of the currant which he combined with traditional Hampshire bakery expertise to create the currant bun.

In 1824 Duncan Higgins adapted the recipe and used the now freely available Zakynthos currants to create the classic Chelsea bun in his bakery on Fulham Road, adjacent to the fashionable Chelsea district of London.[2]

Every year in February the descendants of Mr Higgins hold a Chelsea Bun festival in which they celebrate their forefather's culinary achievements.[3]


  1. ^ Chris Roberts, Heavy Words Lightly Thrown: The Reason Behind Rhyme, Thorndike Press, 2006, ISBN 0-7862-8517-6
  2. ^ Davidson, Alan. Oxford Companion to Food (1999), "Bun". p. 114, ISBN 0-19-211579-0
  3. ^ Time Out Guides, Ltd, Time Out London (2008), ISBN 978-1846700491

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