Århus V

Århus V

Århus Vest (lit. English, "Aarhus West") or just Århus V is a district in the city of Aarhus , consisting of Hasle, Herredsvang, Fuglebakken, Frydenlund, and Møllevangen.

Quarters and neighborhoods


There are around 5000 inhabitants in Herredsvang where 50% are from another country than Denmark.The area is consisting of mainly apartments, but also houses.


Frydenlund is an area mainly consisting of the characteristic high rise concrete apartments from the 1960s and 70s constructed of large, prefabricated concrete slabs. The apartment buildings stand with big spaces, which used to be grass areas, but after criticism of the boring looks, the spaces had a re-make with more flowers and trees. Because of the gray cement buildings, the area has a rough look.Approx. 2.500 people live in Frydenlund. 58% is ethnic-danes and 42% is immigrants.



Hasle is with its 21.700 inhabitants the way biggest part of Århus V and is divided up in Hasle Vest and Gamle Hasle (lit. English, "Old Hasle").

Hasle Vest is located west of the main road Viborgvej and was developed in 1954 and build in the 1960s. The area consists of suburb houses and a big park in the middle of the area and in the northern part the characteristic high rise concrete apartments as a part of Public housing programs or projects, many of which are homes to immigrants. The concrete public housing area Bispehaven is a well known immigrant "ghetto" in Århus V, approx. 70% of the inhabitants are immigrants. The area ends east of the Ring Road, because when the area was being planned there was an unknowing about where the planned Jutland-Interstate E45 was to be build.

Gamle Hasle (lit. English, "Old Hasle") is to the further east and south which is consisting of houses and some apartments. The center of the area is Hasle Torv, a square in the very busy junction, Viborgvej-Ryhavevej.


Several musicians are from Århus V, most famous are the danish rappers L.O.C. (Liam O'Connor,), Johnson and U$O, the creators of the group B.A.N.G.E.R.S. Other groups started in Århus V as well, like the group Haven Morgan with the two rappers Kajser A and Ham Den Lange.


* [http://www.krak.dk/Kort/KortResultat.aspx?Address=%7c%7c%7c%7c8210%7c%c3%85rhus+V%7c%c3%85rhus+V%7c%7c%7c%7c%7c%7c%7c%7c571752%2c67%7c6225753%2c69%7c571752%2c67%7c6225753%2c69%7c573928%2c53%7c6227122%2c04%7c569440%2c95%7c6224149%2c85%7c0&&MapType=kvec Map of Århus V from www.krak.dk]
* [http://www.aarhus.dk/aarhus_v.asp Århus V: Danish]
* [http://www.aarhusvest.dk/alt-om-aarhus-vest/ressourcer/vis/ressource/20/ Herredsvang: Danish]
* [http://gis.aarhus.dk/kommuneatlas/bygninger_bevaringsvaerdier/Bygninger_bevaringsvaerdier_%2038.htm Hasle: Danish]
* [http://gis.aarhus.dk/kommuneatlas/byhistoriske_hovedtraek/Byhistoriske_hovedtraek_23.htm Hasle: Danish]

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