

"Bedeutung" is a quarterly magazine of philosophy, current affairs, art and literature published in the UK. The name 'bedeutung' comes from the german word which means 'meaning'.


The magazine is published four times a year, and is now on its first issue, marked "Issue 1". It features a number of essays by prominent philosophers, sociologists, authors, public intellectuals, thinkers, artists and curators on a range of topics that are overarched by a general theme that runs through the whole issue. Issue 1 was on the distinction between "Nature & Culture". It has been suggested that the magazine should be read in the sequence that it is printed, as its structure gradually moves from abstract philosophical ('Philosophy' section) to more concrete and "journalistic" type of articles ('Current Affairs' section) leading, eventually, to the 'Art' section and closing with the 'Literature' section.

The magazine has (already prior to the publication of the first issue) received a lot of attention from various academic and artistic sections, thanks to its combination of analytical thinking, provocative and controversial positions and its beautiful, elegant design. For example, on the first issue, and as it was announced on the magazine's website already months before the issue was out, the Editorship embraced a skeptical approach to environmentalism, illustrated by, amongst others, the interview with Martin Durkin, producer of The Great Global Warming Swindle. Despite that, however, the approach seems to have been sober enough, not to alienate readers but, instead, to engage them in an open debate.

The next issue, which is reportedly due to come out in October 2008, will be themed "Human & Divine". According to the magazine's website, it features articles by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, LSE political philosopher, John Gray, renowned atheist philosopher, A. C. Grayling, LSE social scientist Nicos Mouzelis, and features the Austrian actionist artist Hermann Nitsch, British artist, Becky Beasley, Miuccia Prada protege, Martin Gamper and Warren Neidich. It, apparently, also includes a piece by author Sarah Wood. The back cover is said to feature an extract by Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben.

Notable contributors, interviewees and artists featured

*Slavoj Žižek
*Cornelius Castoriadis
*Nick Davies
*Martin Durkin
*Okwui Enwezor
*Pawel Leszkowicz
*Barbara Falender
*David Goldblatt
*Guy Tillim
*Apostolos Doxiadis
*Michel Onfray
*John Gray
*Rowan Williams
*A. C. Grayling
*Hermann Nitsch
*Giorgio Agamben


*Alex Stavrakas (Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director)
*Michael Withey (Editor)
*Thomas Presskorn (Editor)
*John Slyce (Art Editor)

External links

* [ "Bedeutung" website]
* [,,2280531,00.html "Guardian Review" website]
* [ "Courtauld Institute" website]
* [ "Saatchi Gallery" website]

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  • Bedeutung — Bedeutung, 1) Beziehung eines Zeichens auf etwas Bezeichnetes; 2) der Begriff, den ein Wort od. Zeichen mit sich führt, u. dadurch erregt werden soll; 3) objective Realität od. Gültigkeit, Beziehung auf ein Object; z.B., jeder Begriff muß eine B …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Bedeutung — Be·deu·tung die; , en; 1 das, was mit Sprache, Zeichen, einem Verhalten o.Ä. ausgedrückt werden soll: Das Wort ,,Bank hat mehrere Bedeutungen; ,,Synonyme sind Wörter mit gleicher Bedeutung || K : Bedeutungslehre, Bedeutungswandel,… …   Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

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