Ischnura genei

Ischnura genei

name = Island Bluetail damselfly

image_width = 250px
image_caption =
status = DD
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Odonata
familia = Coenagrionidae
genus = "Ischnura"
species = "I. genei"
binomial = "Ischnura genei"
binomial_authority = (Rambur, 1842)

"Ischnura genei", the Island Bluetail, is a species of damselfly that replaces the Common Bluetail on some Mediterranean Islands (e.g., Corsica and Sardinia, where the two species are not known to coexist) - it is found on four islands. It is a small and slender damselfly that tends to be smaller and daintier than the Common Bluetail. Its main distinguishing features include a black abdomen, which in males carries a striking blue tail-light on S8. Some female colour forms, too, have a blue tail-light on S8, but it tends to be interrupted by a black mark on either end. In some other female colour forms S8 is rusty brown. The male's pterostigma is bi-coloured (as it is in "Ischnura elegans"). In Malta, this species is still frequent and breeds, but it is endangered by habitat loss.


* Sciberras A, Sciberras J & Magro D. (2007) "A Celebration of Dragonflies." "The Malta Independent". November 19th pgs.8-9.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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