Green revolution and cancer

Green revolution and cancer

Green revolution is an evolution and practice of advanced technology in the middle of 20th century which helped keep the food production in pace with the world population growth. Chemicals and pesticides were invented to be used to kill the pests which once had substantially contributed to the decrease in food production.

The shortcomings of the green revolution started to become evident as it was becoming increasingly clear that the chemicals and pesticides make their way into the humans through consumption of food produced using these chemicals. The consumption of these chemicals by humans in some cases cause irreversible changes to DNA making them susceptibe to cancer. Poor farming practices including non-compliance to usage of masks and over-usage of the chemicals by un-educated farmers in poor countries compound this situation. [ [ Punjab suffers from adverse effect of Green revolution, BBC news] ]

Punjab in India

Indian state of Punjab pioneered green revolution among the other states transforming India into a food-surplus country. [ [ Green revolution in Punjab, India] ] The state is witnessing serious consequences of intensive farming using chemicals and pesticide. A comprehensive study conducted by Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) has underlined the direct relationship between indiscriminate use of these chemicals and increased incidence of cancer in this region. [ [ PGIMER research] ] Increase in cancer has been reported in several villages including Jhariwala, Koharwala, Puckka, Bhimawali, Khara. [ [ Green revolution's cancer train] ]

Sri Lanka

Incidence of cancer has increased in Sri Lanka as well and a special presidential committee has pointed out the use of chemicals and pesticide as a possible suspect.

Organic Farming

About four decades since Green Revolution widely helped the world to be able to produce food in sufficient levels, some farmers in India have chosen to employ organic farming methods as the realisation of the side effects of modern farming among farmers has increased. [ [ The Toxic Consequences of the Green Revolution] ]


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