Štefan Uher

Štefan Uher

Štefan Uher (June 4, 1930, PrievidzaMarch 29, 1993, Bratislava) was a Slovak film director, one of the founders of the "Czechoslovak New Wave".

He graduated from the FAMU (Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts) [ [http://web.amu.cz/?r_id=610 FAMU] ] in Prague in 1955. Among his fellow students were future directors Martin Hollý Jr. and Peter Solan who also began to work at the Koliba film studios [ [http://mapy.zoznam.sk/index.pl?zoom=9&pos_x=-573882&pos_y=-1277770&size=small&lang=sk&sipka=1&name=Bre%E8tanov%E1%2C%20Bratislava Koliba] ] (then called the Feature Film Studio and the Short Film Studio) in Bratislava after graduation.

Uher first worked in the short film division. "The Sun in a Net" was his second feature film. His first one was "We from Study Group 9-A" ("My z deviatej A," 1962) about the life of a group of 15-year-old students and their school.

Uher followed "The Sun in a Net" by two more films with the same author-screenwriter Alfonz Bednár and cameraman − Stanislav Szomolányi, later professor of cinematography at the University of Performing Arts, [ [http://www.vsmu.sk VŠMU] ] Bratislava: "The Organ" ("Organ," 1964), [ [http://www.kinokultura.com/specials/3/organ.shtml Peter Konečný, "Štefan Uher: "The Organ (Organ)," 1964."] ] and "Three Daughters" ("Tri dcéry," 1967).

The original music score in "The Sun in a Net" is by Ilja Zeljenka, an avant-garde composer of musique concrète, who also worked with Uher on "We from Study Group 9-A," and went on to work with him on six more films.

Uher's and Szomolányi's latest film "She Grazed Horses on Concrete" ("Pásla kone na betóne," 1982) has remained one of Slovakia's most popular domestic productions through the 2000s.


* "Správca skanzenu" (1988)
* "Siesta veta" (1986)
* "Pásla kone na betóne" (1982)
"A Ticket to the Heaven"
"Concrete Pastures"
"She Kept Asking for the Moon"
* "Kosenie jastrabej luky" (1981)
"Mowing of Hawk Meadow"
* ""Moje kone vrané"" (1980, TV mini-series)
* "Kamarátky" (1979)
* "Penelopa" (1978)
* "Zlaté casy" (1978)
"Great Times"
* "Keby som mal dievca" (1976)
"If I Had a Girl"
* "Studené podnebie" (1974, TV)
* "Veľká noc a veľky den" (1974)
* "Javor a Juliana" (1973)
* "Dolina" (1973)
* "Keby som mal pusku" (1971)
"If I Had a Gun"
* "Génius" (1970)
* "Tri dcéry" (1967)
"Three Daughters"
* "Panna zázracnica" (1966)
"Miraculous Virgin"
* "Organ" (1965)
* "Varhany" (1964)
* "Slnko v sieti" (1962)
"The Sun in a Net"
* "My z 9.A" (1961)
* "Ocami kamery" (1959)
* "Poznacení tmou" (1959)
* "Bolo raz priatelstvo" (1958)
* "Lodníci bez mora" (1958)
* "Niekedy v novembri" (1958)
* "Tú krácajú tragédie" (1957)
* "Ludia pod Vihorlatom" (1956)
* "Cesta nad oblaky" (1955)
* "Stredoeurópský pohár" (1955)
* "Ucitelka" (1955)

* "Siesta veta" (1986)
* "Pásla kone na betóne" (1982)
"A Ticket to the Heaven"
"Concrete Pastures"
"She Kept Asking for the Moon"
* "Dolina" (1973)


External links

*imdb name|id=0880151|name=Stefan Uher

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