2007 Texas Longhorn football team/trim

2007 Texas Longhorn football team/trim

This is a TEMPORARY page intended to hold information trimmed from the 2007 Texas Longhorn football team article until a permanent home for the information can be found or the information restored to the article after a discussion of its relevancy. Please do not delete this page, as it is a temporary record that will be deleted after the information is moved.

Before the 2007 season

The attendance for the 2006 Alamo Bowl was 65,875, which established a new record for the most people to gather in San Antonio to view a sporting event.cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/longhorns/12/31/31texfoot.html |title=Texas survives the Alamo | publisher=Austin American-Statesman | date=December 30 2006 | accessdate=2006-12-30] cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/longhorns/entries/2006/12/30/alamo_bowl_crowd_sets_alamodome_record.html | title=Alamo Bowl crowd sets Alamodome record | publisher=Austin American-Statesman | date=December 30, 2006 | accessdate=2006-12-30]

Arkansas State

At that time, Arkansas State played in the NCAA small college football division as a member of the Southland Conference. [cite news | url=http://www.asuindians.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=7200&ATCLID=204985 | title=Football Traditions | publisher=Arkansas State University | accessdate=2007-04-02] The 1970 Indians defeated Central Missouri State University in the Pecan Bowl, held in Arlington, Texas to complete an undefeated season, 11–0. [cite news | url=http://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/encyclopedia/entry-detail.aspx?entryID=2374 | title=Arkansas State University | publisher=The Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture | accessdate=2007-04-02] UT also won the 1970 championship in NCAA large college division. [cite news | url=http://www.texassports.com/index.php?s=&url_channel_id=68&url_article_id=5302&url_subchannel_id=&change_well_id=2 | title=National Championship moments: 1970 Football | publisher=MackBrownTexasFootball | date=November 20,2006 | accessdate=2007-04-02] UT's next national championship came in 2005, a year that Arkansas State finished the regular season as Sun Belt Conference champions with a record of 6 wins and 5 losses. Arkansas State went to the New Orleans Bowl and lost to The University of Southern Mississippi. The game was played in the city of Lafayette, Louisiana due to the lingering effects of Hurricane Katrina. [cite news | url=http://www.collegefootballpoll.com/2005_archive_championship.html | title=2005-2006 College Football Season Championship and Bowl Coverage — Texas Wins National Title | author=Mitchell, Mike | accessdate=2007-04-02] It was Arkansas State's first bowl invitation since the trip to the 1970 Pecan Bowl and the Indians did not get invited to a Bowl Game in 2006. [cite news | url=http://www.collegefootballpoll.com/2006_archive_championship.html | title=2006-2007 College Football Season Championship and Bowl Coverage — Florida Claims Second National Title | author=Mitchell, Mike | accessdate=2007-04-02]

The Austin American Statesman anticipated this would equate to $854 per play.cite news | title=Arkansas State at Texas | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | page=G6 | date=September 1, 2007]

According to Scout.com, replays of the injury showed Orakpo was a "was the victim of an apparent chop-block."cite news | url=http://texas.scout.com/a.z?s=110&p=2&c=675347 | title=Orakpo Expected to Return | work=Scout.com | author=Frisbee, Bill | publisher=Fox Sports | date=3 September 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-14] Officials did not call a penalty on the play. [cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/longhorns/entries/2007/09/03/orakpo_status.html | title=Orakpo status | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | author=Halliburton, Suzanne | date=September 3, 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-14]

Earlier in the day, Appalachian State won an historically significant upset victory over Michigan.web cite | url=http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/recap?gameId=272440130 |title=Blocked field goal secures Appalachian State's upset of Michigan |date=2007-09-01 |publisher=ESPN] Bohls alluded to that victory in saying, "Here's pretty much the extent of the good news: thank goodness Texas wasn't playing somebody really good like Appalachian State."cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/longhorns/09/02/0902bohls.html | title=Horns put forth lackluster effort - If this becomes a pattern, look for a 7-5 season. | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | author=Bohls, Kirk | date=September 2 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-02]


Since the Southwest Conference broke up, TCU had won 4 conference titles: two in the Western Athletic Conference (1999 & 2000), one in Conference USA (2002), and one in the Mountain West Conference (2005). [cite news | url=http://www.fansonly.com/photos/schools/tcu/sports/m-footbl/auto_pdf/fanguide.pdf | title=TCU Fan Guide | format=PDF | accessdate=2007-04-02]

In choosing this game, the writers observed, “TCU’s biggest game of the [2007] season. Remember what they did to Oklahoma a few years ago?”cite book | title=College Football – 2007 Season Preview | publisher=CBS Sportsline.com | year=2007 | pages=176]


The team had been known as the "Golden Knights", but on April 12, UCF announced that "Golden" would be dropped from the nickname, and a new logo was unveiled on June 14. [cite web | url=http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/college/knights/orl-ucf1307apr13,0,3607031.story?coll=orl-home-promo | title='Golden' era ends for UCF - Beginning in June, the school's teams was known only as the Knights. | publisher=Orlando Sentinel | author=Hightower, Kyle | date=April 13, 2007 | accessdate=2007-04-26]

Wide receiver Jordan Shipley was upgraded to probable for playcite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/longhorns/09/14//0914texnotes.html | title=Notebook: Orakpo out, Ulatoski doubtful for Central Florida game | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | author=Halliburton, Suzanne | date=September 14, 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-14] and was in the game.cite news | url=http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/boxscore?gameId=272582116 | title=(6) Texas 35, UCF 32 Box Score | work=ESPNU.com | publisher=The Disney Company | date=September 15, 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-15]

The weather forecast called for a chance of thunderstorms and a convert|91|F|C temperatures

The UT team was delayed in getting to Orlando because of mechanical issues first with their charter plane and then with their buses; as a result the team did not get a full walk-through of the stadium. [cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/longhorns/entries/2007/09/15/for_horns_the_r.html | title=For Horns, the road went on forever | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=September 15, 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-15]

The ESPN announcers thought the player might have crossed out of the end zone, but the play was not reviewed.cite news | title=College Football - Texas at Central Florida | work=ESPN2 | publisher=The Disney Company | date=September 15 2007]

Texas elected to fake a field goal and made the first down.cite news | url=http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/playbyplay?gameId=272582116&period=0 | title=(6) Texas 35, UCF 32 Play-by-play | work=ESPNU.com | publisher=The Disney Company | date=September 15 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-15] cite news | url=http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/drivechart?gameId=272582116 | title=(6) Texas 35, UCF 32 Drive chart | work=ESPNU.com | publisher=The Disney Company | date=September 15, 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-15] Time had apparently expired off the play clock, but no delay of game penalty was called. Texas was not able to score the touchdown and they settled for a field goal.

Play resumed after approximately fifteen minutes.cite news | url=http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/recap?gameId=272582116 | title=Horns' McCoy, Charles team up to end UCF's upset bid | work=ESPNU.com | publisher=The Disney Company | date=September 15, 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-15] had the game been cancelled, NCAA rules require at least three quarters to be played in order for a game to be official. [cite news | url=http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/wire?section=ncf&id=3003928 | title=NCAA tosses out lightning-shortened game | work=ESPN.com | publisher=The Disney Company | date=September 15, 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-15]

According to a probability model, a team should only try for two points in that situation if they believe they have at least an 85-90% of success. [cite news | url=http://www.footballcommentary.com/twoptchart.htm | work=Some Common Strategy Errors | publisher=FootballCommentary.com | date=2004 | accessdate=2007-09-18]

UT relied more on the kicking game than the year before; during the 2006 season, the Longhorns did not attempt their ninth field goal until the tenth game. Greg Davis remarked, "I appreciate Ryan Bailey, but I don't like him to score 17 points."

Texas ran 47 passing plays and 43 rushing plays to UCF's 26 plays passing and 41 rushing attempts. Sportswriter Fred Goodall quipped, "Thanks to Central Florida, it may be a while before Texas accepts another offer to open someone's new stadium."cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/gen/ap/FBC_T25_Texas_Central_Florida.html | title=Texas holds off Central Florida 35-32 | author=Goodall, Fred | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=September 15, 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-15]

Rice (is really tasty!)

The two schools were once conference foes in the Southwest Conferencecite web | url=http://www.texasalmanac.com/history/highlights/swc/ | title=Texas History Highlights - A Look Back at the Southwest Conference | work=Texas Almanac | accessdate=2006-07-30] cite web | url=http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/SS/xns2.html | title=Southwest Conference | work=Handbook of Texas Online | accessdate=2006-09-16] and the rivalry has continued despite the usual mismatch in ability on the field (66 Texas wins vs. 21 wins for Rice, with one tie). This was alluded to by President John F. Kennedy when he compared the challenge of going to the moon to the challenge faced when the Rice Owls played Texas.cite web | url=http://webcast.rice.edu/speeches/19620912kennedy.html | title=President John F. Kennedy - The Space Effort | work=Rice Webcast Archive | accessdate=2006-09-16] Rice coach David Bailiff hopes to use this speech to motivate his team. The coach distributed wristbands bearing the letters "BIH". The letters stand for the phrase "Because it's hard". Bailiff explains that Rice plays Texas for the same reason he intends to build Rice's expectations of winning. "Because it's hard," he says, "It is hard here. But it's not impossible." [cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/longhorns/09/19//0919bailiff.html | title=Bailiff's trip home comes with a giant challenge - Why play Texas? Because it's hard, new coach says. | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=September 19, 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-18] Over the 45 years since Kennedy made his speech, t

In addition to continuing a traditional rivalry, playing Rice in a "home and away" series allows for Texas to play games in Houston, Texas, a city that is an important recruiting base for UT,cite web | title=UT signs 25 players, including three of state's top four | url=http://www.statesman.com/horns/content/sports/stories/longhorns/02/1utsignweb.html | publisher=Austin American Statesman | date=1 February 2006 | accessdate=2006-09-16] along with having a significant Texas Exes alumni population.cite web | url=http://www.texasexes.com/Exes_are.htm | title=The Texas Exes Houston Chapter are: | work=Texas Exes Houston Chapter | accessdate=2006-09-16] Texas won the 2006 game, 52–7.

He came onto the field beside McCoy and then McCoy trotted out to a slot receiver position. Chiles never looked to pass; he ran up the middle for no gain.

lined up in the zone read offense and

The Marching Owl Band, a scatter band known for satirizing opposing schools, used their half-time performance to poke fun at the legal woes facing some UT players. The band, wearing dark sunglasses, opened with the theme from "Dragnet". Three members dressed as Longhorn football players ran around the field being chased by other band members carrying cardboard police cars. The Rice announcer narrated: "In the two years since the MOB last visited Austin, your team's demeanor — and misdemeanor — has changed. Buy a program at today's game. It includes Mack Brown's wrist-slap Top 10 and a photo guide to the next episode of 'America's Most Wanted." [cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/longhorns/09/23/0923texbuzz.html | title=Rice MOB pokes fun at Longhorns' problems with police - Band hears cheers from crowd. | author=Robbins, Kevin | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=September 23, 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-24] [cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/longhorns/entries/2007/09/23/video_of_the_mo.html | title=Video of the MOB’s halftime show | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=September 23, 2007 | accessdate=2007-09-24]

Kansas State

Texas dropped in the AP Poll from #4 to #11 and from #5 to #13 in the BCS rankings.cite web | url=http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/polls | title=Polls | accessdate=2006-11-17] Since the inception of the BCS in 1998, no team has entered the championship game with more than one loss,cite web | url=http://www.bcsfootball.org/bcsfb/timeline | title=BCS Timeline | publisher=Fpx Sports | accessdate=2006-11-18] so Texas' chances of repeating as national champions were considered eliminated after taking this second loss on the season.cite web | url=http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/recap?confId=&gameId=263152306 | title=Texas loses QB McCoy, then national title hopes at K-State | publisher=Associated Press | date=12 November 2006 | accessdate=2006-11-17] cite news | url=http://www.kstatecollegian.com/media/storage/paper1022/news/2006/11/13/Sports/KState.Shocks.No.4.Texas-2455832.shtml?norewrite200611152252&sourcedomain=www.kstatecollegian.com | title=K-State shocks No. 4 Texas, knocks Longhorns out of championship contention | publisher=Kansas State Collegian | author=Garten, Jonathan | date=13 November 2006 | accessdate=2006-11-18] The 2006 game also has the distinction of being the most points ever scored by a UT team in a losing effort.cite web | url=http://www.mackbrown-texasfootball.com/index.php?s=&url_channel_id=36&url_subchannel_id=&url_article_id=1349&change_well_id=2 | title=All-Time Results | publisher=MackBrown-TexasFootball| accessdate=2007-09-18]


In the week prior to facing the Oklahoma Sooners, UT fans conducted their traditional Torchlight Parade and Rally.cite news | url=http://media.www.dailytexanonline.com/media/storage/paper410/news/2006/10/06/Sports/Rivalry.Still.A.Big.Deal.For.Football.Team.Fans-2335969.shtml?sourcedomain=www.dailytexanonline.com&MIIHost=media.collegepublisher.com | title=Rivalry still a big deal for football team, fans - Winner of Red River shootout has gone on to national title game three of last seven years | publisher=The Daily Texan | author=Millares, Joseph | date=6 October 2006 | accessdate=2007-04-02] [cite news | url=http://media.www.dailytexanonline.com/media/storage/paper410/news/2007/10/05/TopStories/horns.Prepare.For.Anticipate.Ou.Weekend-3015006.shtml | title='Horns prepare for, anticipate OU weekend | author=Dechant, Larry | work=The Daily Texan | publisher=Texas Student Media | date=October 5,2007|accessdate=2007-10-08] The rally first took place in 1916 prior to a game versus Texas A&M, but since 1986 it has been an annual event held exclusively during the week prior to the Texas–OU game.cite news | url=http://www.dailytexanonline.com/media/storage/paper410/news/2006/10/05/TopStories/Student.Groups.Pump.Up.Crowd.At.Annual.Parade-2333393.shtml?norewrite200610061158&sourcedomain=www.dailytexanonline.com | title=Student groups pump up crowd at annual parade | publisher=The Daily Texan | author=West, Michelle | date=5 October 2006 | accessdate=2007-04-02] cite web | url=http://www.mackbrown-texasfootball.com/index.php?s=&url_channel_id=39&url_subchannel_id=&url_article_id=43&change_well_id=2 | title=Torchlight Parade | work=Mack Brown Texas Football | accessdate=2007-04-02] Another annual tradition is the running of game balls by the schools' Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs.cite news | url=http://www.dailytexanonline.com/media/storage/paper410/news/2006/10/06/TopStories/Rotc-Members.Run.Game.Ball.To.Dallas.For.Ou.Matchup-2336378.shtml?norewrite200610080257&sourcedomain=www.dailytexanonline.com | title=ROTC members run game ball to Dallas for OU matchup | date=6 October 2006 | author=Furman, Evan | accessdate=2007-04-02] [cite news | url=http://www.mackbrown-texasfootball.com/index.php?s=&url_channel_id=40&url_subchannel_id=&url_article_id=3297&change_well_id=2 | title=Texas Naval ROTC Unit commemorates 25th annual Run-to-Dallas event | work=MackBrown-TexasFootball.com | publisher=University of Texas & Host Interactive | date=October 3,2007|accessdate=2007-10-08] Each school's ROTC program uses a relay running system to run one game ball all the way from their respective campus to Dallas. Once there, they participate against each other in a football scrimmage, with the winner taking home a rivalry trophy and bragging rights.cite news | url=http://www.dailytexanonline.com/media/storage/paper410/news/2006/10/06/TopStories/Rotc-Members.Run.Game.Ball.To.Dallas.For.Ou.Matchup-2336378.shtml?norewrite200610080257&sourcedomain=www.dailytexanonline.com | title=ROTC members run game ball to Dallas for OU matchup | date=6 October 2006 | author=Furman, Evan | accessdate=2007-04-02] [cite news | url=http://www.mackbrown-texasfootball.com/index.php?s=&url_channel_id=40&url_subchannel_id=&url_article_id=3297&change_well_id=2 | title=Texas Naval ROTC Unit commemorates 25th annual Run-to-Dallas event | work=MackBrown-TexasFootball.com | publisher=University of Texas & Host Interactive | date=October 3,2007 | accessdate=2007-10-06]

, when they were in the Southwest Conference and one year before Darrell Royal became head coach of the Longhorns.

NFL scouts had projected that Sweed would be an early pick in the 2008 NFL Draft.

Sweed was a candidate for the Biletnikoff Award and the Maxwell Award in 2007. ESPN Scouts Inc. listed him among their Top 10 professional prospects and Mack Brown said he still believes Sweed will play professional ball after the surgery.cite news | url=http://media.www.dailytexanonline.com/media/storage/paper410/news/2007/10/09/Sports/No.More.sweeeeeed-3020575.shtml | title=No more 'Sweeeeeed' - A nagging wrist injury requires season-ending surgery for Sweed | author=Killian, Ryan | work=The Daily Texan | publisher=Texas Student Publications | date=October 9,2007|accessdate=2007-10-09]

Charles said that he felt a deep remorse over his fumbles and feels that he was the biggest reason the team lost to Oklahoma. Texas running backs coach Ken Rucker and former Longhorn quarterback Earl Campbell had worked previously with Charles on his ball handling. Greg Davis said he wants to get the ball to Charles "in space", on pitches and passes, instead of in heavy traffic up the center. [cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/longhorns/10/10//1010texfoot.html | title=Charles is still feeling angst over fumble against Sooners - He says: "I've got to step up. I've got to grow up." |author=Halliburton, Suzanne |work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=October 10,2007 |accessdate=2007-10-08]

Iowa State

Jamaal Charles, who had committed several fumbles during the season, did not touch the ball until more than half-way through the second quarter. When he came into the game, he rushed on three straight plays, including a three-yard touchdown run. Texas coaches said that Charles’s lack of first-quarter carries was not related to the fumbles and was not intended to convey any sort of message. [cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/longhorns/entries/2007/10/15/coaches_say_the.html |title=Coaches say they weren’t sending message to Charles | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=October 15,2007|accessdate=2007-10-15] Greg Davis said, "That had more to do with the game plan than Jamaal, It wasn't for any other reason."

The blowout could have been worse. Towards the end of the third quarter McCoy came out for good and Chiles scored Texas' final touchdown of the day on an 11–yard run. The 'Horns might have scored again in the fourth quarter were it not for an intentional delay of game penalty.cite news | url=http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/playbyplay?gameId=272860066&period=0 | title=(23 ) Texas 56, Iowa State 3 | work=ESPN.com | publisher=The Disney Company | date=October 132007|accessdate=2007-10-14] When the Longhorns failed to score on that drive, the Cyclones took over but were unable to keep the ball. Henry Melton forced a fumble, which was recovered by back-up linebacker Dustin Earnest at the Cyclones' 21 yardline. Brown prevented his team from scoring points by ordering the third-team quarterback, Sherrod Harris, to take a knee.cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/longhorns/10/14/1014texfoot.html | title=Texas plays part of bossy houseguest - Iowa State, coached by ex-UT assistant, suffers through 56-3 blowout at hands of Horns | author=Halliburton, Suzanne | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=October 142007 | accessdate=2007-10-16] Chizik said of Brown, "He's all about class. He could have made it a lot worse. He just said [after the game] , 'Hang in there.'"cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/longhorns/10/14/1014texside2.html | title=Chizik still suffering through difficult adjustment - Loss leaves Cyclones at 1-6, including 0-3 in Big 12. | author=Rosner, Mark | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=October 14,2007 | accessdate=2007-10-16] The loss puts the Cyclones at 1–6, and they were expected to be underdogs in each of their final 5 games.

He was playing tailback at the time of his injury.

Cobb scored a touchdown on his very first play with the Longhorns, a 16-yard pass against Arkansas State.

Brown commented on the new emphasis on passing early in the game, "We've decided we're going to do whatever gets points. If they spread out, we'll run it. If everybody is going to line up, we're going to throw it and we're going to throw it every time." [cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/longhorns/10/14/1014texside.html | title=Horns open up passing game despite missing Sweed - Receivers stand out in blowout. | author=Trubow, Alan| work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=October 14,2007|accessdate=2007-10-16]

The Longhorns initially ignored the running game and played most of the first quarter in the spread offense.cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/longhorns/10/14/1014texnotes.html | title=Notebook: Takeaway time; Colt riding high |work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=October 14,2007|accessdate=2007-10-16] The offensive line provided great protection for Colt McCoy,cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/longhorns/10/15/1015texfoot.html | title=After refreshing win, soft part of UT schedule continues - Coming up next: Baylor, then Nebraska | author=Trubow, Alan work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=October 152007 | accessdate=2007-10-16] who called most of the plays without huddling and directed the Longhorns to touchdowns on his first five series. He completed 23 of 30 passes for 298 yards, 4 touchdowns, and no interceptions. His most athletic play came early in the third quarter when he evaded three defenders on a play from the Cyclones' 20-yardline. He twisted around and managed to stay upright long enough to throw a pass to Nate Jones in the end zone. He capped off his performance by making his first rushing touchdown of the season,cite news | url=http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/recap?gameId=272860066 | title=Texas ends Big 12 skid, sends Iowa St. to worst loss since '97 | work=ESPN.com | publisher=The Disney Company | date=October 132007|accessdate=2007-10-14] a career-long, 44 yard run in the third quarter. The play was designed to be a screen pass to the fullback. Mack Brown said, "Colt was as good today as I've ever seen him." Brown also praised McCoy for taking on more of a leadership role with the team. [cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/longhorns/entries/2007/10/15/mack_has_high_p.html | title=Mack has high praise for Colt | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=October 15,2007|accessdate=2007-10-16] The Austin American-Statesman said, "Colt McCoy is shedding his sophomore slump. In the past two games, he is 42 of 56 passing for 622 yards with six passing touchdowns, one rushing touchdown and just one interception. That translates to a quarterback rating of 200.1."

The passing game worked so well for Texas that the team did not call a rushing play until the third offensive possession, which occurred early in the second quarter. On that possession, Texas head coach Mack Brown sent in "The Storm",—his nickname for the all-freshman, second-team offense headed by John Chiles Besides Chiles, "The Storm" included Montre Webber, James Kirkendoll, Blaine Irby, Vondrell McGee and an all-freshman offensive line consisting of Michael Huey, Buck Burnette, Kyle Hix, Tray Allen and Britt Mitchell. The series resulted in a punt — the only time Texas had the ball in the first half without scoring. The Longhorns planned this appearance ahead of time and it was a morale boost for players who had not had much playing time in the season to that point. Mack Brown later said, "We also felt like we had not finished the last two games in the fourth quarter like we wanted to and we thought that putting more players in the game earlier would help us with energy in the fourth quarter."cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/longhorns/entries/2007/10/15/texas_unveils_t.html | title=Texas unveils the Storm | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=October 15,2007|accessdate=2007-10-15]


Schnupp played football for the University of Miami from 1995–2000 and coached at West Texas A&M University before become the offensive line and tight ends coach for the Bears. [cite news | url=http://www.wacotrib.com/news/content/news/stories/2007/10/16/10162007wacfootballcoach.html | title=Baylor officials: Morriss taking assistant coach bar urination allegations 'very seriously' | author=Woods, Tim | work=WacoTrib.com | publisher=Waco Tribune-Herald | date=October 16,2007|accessdate=2007-10-16]

Szymanski was ranked third on the all-time list of touchdown passes by a Baylor quarterback, with a total of fifteen.cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/longhorns/entries/2007/10/16/baylor_qb_doubt.html | title=Baylor QB doubtful for game | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=October 162007|accessdate=2007-10-16]


Nebraska won the first meeting by the lopsided score of 26–0.

Since their first meeting, the series has included a number of upsets and close calls. In 1960 a #4 ranked Longhorn squad was upset by an unranked Nebraska team, 14–13. In 1996 an unranked Texas team defeated #3 ranked Nebraska (who were also the defending national champions) 37–27 to win the inaugural Big 12 Conference football championship and deprive the Cornhuskers a shot at repeating as national champions. In 1998 an unranked Texas team beat #7 Nebraska 20–16.

In 1999 the two teams met twice. In the regular season, #18 Texas beat #3 Nebraska by 24–20. However, #3 Nebraska beat #12 Texas in the Big 12 Championship game, 6–22. In 2002 the Longhorns were ranked #7 and they went to Lincoln, Nebraska to play an unranked Nebraska team. In front of the largest crowd in Nebraska history (78,268) the 'Horns snapped the Huskers’ national-best 26-game winning streak at Memorial Stadium by a score of 27–24. [cite news | url=http://www.mackbrown-texasfootball.com/pages/gameweek/2002_03/009neb/recap.html | title=No. 7 Texas 27, Nebraska 24 | date=November 2, 2002 | publisher=MackBrownTexasFootball | accessdate=2007-04-02] Most recently, in the 2006 game, #5 Texas faced #17 Nebraska on a snowy day in Lincoln. The Longhorns were trailing and needed a field goal by walk-on kicker Ryan Bailey (with just 23 seconds remaining in the game) to win 22–20. [cite news | url=http://www.mackbrown-texasfootball.com/index.php?s=&url_channel_id=40&url_article_id=2528&url_subchannel_id=&change_well_id=2 | title=Longhorns edge Huskers, 22-20 | publisher=Associated Press | author=Olson, Eric | date=October 21, 2006 | accessdate=2007-04-02]

Oklahoma State

In the 1997 game, the OSU fans took down their own goal postscite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/longhorns/11/03/1103texfoot.html | title=Cowboys always throw scare into Horns - Decade of close games portends another wild one in Stillwater. | author=Halliburton, Suzanne | work=Austin American-Statesman | publisher=Cox Enterprises | date=November 3,2007|accessdate=2007-11-03] after the Cowboys pulled off a 42–16 win over the defending Big 12 Conference Champion Texas.

Since then, Texas had won every game, but most have been close-fought contests. The Horns won the 1998 game 37–34 on a Kris Stockton field goal with 3 seconds left. [cite news | url=http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/centurys_best/news/1999/08/24/austin_power/index.html | title=Austin Power | work=SportsIllustrated.com | date=August 26,1999 | author=Layden, Tim | accessdate=2008-03-10] In 2000, Texas trailed 7–3 before scoring 39 unanswered points. [cite news | url=http://www.usatoday.com/sports/scores100/100274/100274432.htm | title=Oklahoma State vs. Texas | work=USAToday.com | publisher=Gannett Company | date=September 30,2000|accessdate=2008-03-10] In 2001, Texas trailed by 10 points in the first quarter but ultimately won 45–17. [cite news | url= http://www.mackbrown-texasfootball.com/000_stats/01/101301.htm | title= Texas vs Oklahoma State (Oct 13, 2001) | work=MackBrown-TexasFootball.com | publisher=University of Texas & Host Interactive | date=October 13,2001 | accessdate=2008-03-10] Texas made an interception to preserve a 17–15 win in 2002. [cite news | url= http://www.mackbrown-texasfootball.com/000_stats/02/100502.htm| title= Texas vs Oklahoma State (Oct 5, 2002) | work=MackBrown-TexasFootball.com | publisher=University of Texas & Host Interactive | date=October 5,2002 | accessdate=2008-03-10]

Texas Tech

Texas A&M

The 2005 game was the poorest performance of that season by the Longhorns, both offensively and defensively. On offense, Vince Young had only 162 yards of offense, his lowest output of the season.cite news | url=http://www.mackbrown-texasfootball.com/000_stats/05/ut11.htm | title=Texas vs Texas A&M (Nov 25, 2005) | work=MackBrown-TexasFootball.com | publisher=University of Texas & Host Interactive | accessdate=2006-07-30] UT running backs Henry Melton and Ramonce Taylor also received criticism for their tendency to run side-to-side instead of down-field.cite news | url=http://media.www.dailytexanonline.com/media/storage/paper410/news/2005/11/28/Sports/Texas.Eyes.Opened.In.Win.Over.The.Aggies-1113934.shtml | title=Texas' eyes opened in win over the Aggies | work=The Daily Texan | publisher=Texas Student Media | author=Orchard, Philip | date=November 28, 2005 | accessdate=2007-06-19] cite news | url=http://media.www.dailytexanonline.com/media/storage/paper410/news/2005/11/28/Sports/Texas.Focuses.On.Their.Goal-1113930.shtml | title=Texas focuses on their goal - Taylor uses speed, agility to break loose from opponents | work=The Daily Texan | publisher=Texas Student Media | author=Veyhl, Jake | date=November 28, 2005 | accessdate=2007-04-26] On defense, the Longhorns held A&M to only 118 yards passing but gave up 277 yards rushing; the highest allowed by the Longhorns all season.

The 2006 meeting was the first time in eight years that both teams entered the game with at least eight wins coming into the match-up.cite news | url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/longhorns/11/20/20texfoot.html | title=Aggies and Longhorns need Friday's game to rid themselves of November melancholy | publisher=Austin American-Statesman | author=Halliburton, Suzanne | date=November 20, 2006 | accessdate=2006-11-23] A&M prevailed 12–7 over the Longhorns in Austin, Texas, rushing for 244 yards against the nation's then-top-ranked rush defense.cite news | url=http://www.mackbrown-texasfootball.com/index.php?s=&url_channel_id=&url_article_id=2643&change_well_id=2 | title=Texas A&M Game notes | publisher=MackBrownTexasFootball | date=November 24, 2006 | accessdate=2007-04-02] cite news | url=http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/recap?gameId=263280251 | title=Texas A&M 12, Texas 7 | publisher=ESPN.com | date=November 24, 2006 | accessdate=2007-09-16]

As a result of a tragic accident in 1999, the Aggies were no longer allowed to hold a school sponsored version of their traditional Bonfire [cite news | url=http://media.www.thebatt.com/media/storage/paper657/news/2005/11/16/MailCall/Bonfire.Needs.Support.Of.Student.Body-1058980.shtml | title=Bonfire needs support of student body | publisher=The Battalion | date=November 16, 2005 | author=Dugan, Patrick | accessdate=2007-03-31] but the unofficial "Student Bonfire" was lit on the evening of November 20, 2007. [cite news | url=http://www.studentbonfire.com/pages/about.html | title=About student bonfire | publisher=Student Bonfire | accessdate=2007-03-31] Texas A&M also hosted its annual Maroon Out on game day. [cite web|url=http://maroonout.tamu.edu/|title=Maroon Out|publisher=Texas A&M University|accessdate=2007-08-16] During the week before the game, the Longhorns held their traditional Hex Rally. [cite news | url= http://www.utexas.edu/oncampus/calendar/index.php?cal=global&dt=20071119&id=AAAb6PAAPAAADuEAAG | title=Annual Hex Rally held on Main Mall | work=OnCampus Calendar | publisher=The University of Texas at Austin | date=November 19,2007 | accessdate=2008-03-10] [cite news | url= http://youtube.com/watch?v=Aqrqo-8OUm0&feature=related | title=2007 A&M Hex Rally | work=YouTube.com | accessdate=2008-03-10]

A&M head coach Dennis Franchione spent much of the season being criticized for his coaching performance. [*cite news|url=http://cbs.sportsline.com/columns/story/10381361/1|title=Start spreading the newsletter: Pink slip for Franchione, now|publisher="CBS Sports"|accessdate=2007-09-30|date=2007-09-30|author=Doyel, Gregg
*cite news|url=http://www.aggiesports.com/stories/100107/cessna_20071001034.php|title=Cessna: Talk around town all about Franchione |publisher="The Bryan-College Station Eagle"|accessdate=2007-10-01|date=2007-10-01|author=Cessna, Robert
*cite news|url=http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headline/sports/5168353.html|title=Franchione fends off negative vibes|publisher="Houston Chronicle"|accessdate=2007-09-28|date=2007-09-27|author=Harris, Terrance
*cite news|url=http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/other/09/26/0926aggies.html|title=Dark clouds in Aggieland|Austin American-Statesman"|accessdate=2007-09-28|date=2007-09-27
*cite news|url=http://www.star-telegram.com/college_sports/story/245307.html|title=Franchione safe for now, but not forever|publisher="Fort Worth Star-Telegram"|accessdate=2007-09-28|date=2007-09-24|author=Burch, Jimmy
*cite news|url=http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/spt/columnists/jtaylor/stories/092107dnspotaylor.3811d35.html|title=Aggies trip on big stage again|publisher="Dallas Morning News"|accessdate=2007-09-28|date=2007-09-21|author=Taylor, Jean-Jacques
*cite news|url=http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/news;_ylt=Aj881XR5BFAPLJZqVMc4E2EcvrYF?slug=franchionesbreachoftrust&prov=tsn&type=lgns|title=Franchione's breach of trust won't be forgiven|publisher=Yahoo! Sports|accessdate=2007-09-30|author=Dienhart, Tom
*cite news|url=http://www.star-telegram.com/college_sports/story/265471.html|title=The Aggies' recent struggles, not e-mails, are Fran's ticket out|publisher="Fort Worth Star-Telegram"|accessdate=2007-10-13|date=2007-10-12|author=Engel, Jennifer Floyd
] Criticism intensified in late September as it became known that Franchione had been selling a secret email newsletter to athletic boosters who paid $1,200 annually for team information that Franchione has refused to release to the public. The newsletter, called "VIP Connection", had been written by Franchione's personal assistant, Mike McKenzie, and included specific injury reports and Franchione's critical assessments of players. [*cite news|url=http://www.mysanantonio.com/sports/stories/MYSA101207.06D.FBC_aggie_recipients.en.38f1a57.html|title=College Football: List of A&M's VIP Connections recipients|publisher="San Antonio Express-News"|accessdate=2007-10-13|date=2007-10-12
*cite news | url = http://www.mysanantonio.com/sports/big12/stories/MYSA092807.01D.FBC.Aggies.Franchione.en.34050d6.html | title = Big 12 Football: Franchione stops selling A&M info | work = San Antonio Express-News | accessdate = 2007-09-28 | date = 2007-09-27 | last = Zwerneman | first = Brent
*cite news | url = http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/football/2007-09-28-167356469_x.htm | title = Texas A&M coach Franchione sold insider knowledge to boosters in newsletter | work = USA Today | accessdate = 2007-09-28 | date = 2007-09-28 | author = Associated Press
*cite news | url = http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/news;_ylt=AkTy4O9Cd2vY4P7NUY4FRBYcvrYF?slug=dw-092807franchione&prov=yhoo&type=lgns | title = Paper trail | work = Yahoo! Sports | accessdate = 2007-09-28 | date = 2007-09-28 | last = Wetzel | first = Dan | authorlink = Dan Wetzel
*cite news | url = http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/sports/5172712.html | title = Franchione stops selling inside info to big boosters| work = Houston Chronicle | accessdate = 2007-09-28 | date = 2007-09-28 | last = Harris | first = Terrance
*cite news | url = http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/latestnews/stories/092907dnspofrannewsletter.ea6643.html | title = A&M coach sold insider info to boosters | work = Dallas Morning News | accessdate = 2007-09-28 | date = 2007-09-28 | last = Davis | first = Bryan
] On October 2,2007 Franchione apologized in front of A&M football players and expressed his love for the job and the university, and his desire to "elevate the program to its highest level". A&M players also expressed their support for Franchione as a coach. [cite news | url = http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/spt/colleges/topstories/stories/093007dnspobaylorsider.2b6f40d.html | title = Franchione tells players newsletter a mistake | work = Dallas Morning News | accessdate = 2007-09-30 | date = 2007-09-30 | last = Davis | first = Bryan ] On October 11,2007 Texas A&M officials issued a "letter of admonishment" and Franchione was instructed to no longer employ "any staff members that could be construed as representing Texas A&M or providing information or reports relative to his position as head coach at Texas A&M". Consequently, the writer of the newsletter, Mike McKenzie, was fired. The A&M athletic director stated that the incident would be included in Franchione's "performance review" at the end of the season. [cite news|url=http://www.star-telegram.com/college_sports/story/265437.html|title=Online aide gets ax from Aggies|publisher="Fort Worth Star-Telegram"|accessdate=2007-10-13|date=2007-10-12|author=Miller, John] [cite news | url = http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=3058459 | title = A&M coach admonished for producing secretive newsletter | author = Associated Press | work = ESPN.com | accessdate = 2007-10-11 | date = 2007-10-05 ] [cite news | url = http://www.star-telegram.com/college_sports/story/264491.html | title = A&M reprimands Franchione, shuts down his Web site | work = Fort Worth Star-Telegram | accessdate = 2007-10-12 | date = 2007-10-11 | last = Miller | first = John ]

Holiday Bowl


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