South Western Railway

South Western Railway

The South Western Railway is one of the 16 railway zones in India. It is headquartered at Hubli and comprises Bangalore and Mysore divisions of Southern Railway, reorganized Hubli division of South Central Railway including Hospet-Bellary. Important trains operated by this division are the Karnataka Express (Bangalore - New Delhi), the Lalbagh Express (Bangalore - Chennai), the Udayan Express (Bangalore - Mumbai) and the Shatabdi Express (Bangalore - Chennai).


People of the State have been demanding creation of two divisions under SWR -- Mangalore and Gulbarga. Mangalore and the nearby Kankanadi stations are with the Palghat division of Southern Railway at present and hence they are demands that the two stations be brought under South Western Railway (SWR) and the regions surrounding Mangalore be brought under one division with Mangalore as its headquarters. With the Hassan-Mangalore section of SWR on the verge of being commissioned, it is felt that creation of this division will go a long way in strengthening the railway network of Karnataka and provide better facilities for the region.

When the proposed Hubli-Ankola line gets ready, railway network of the State would get a further boost and propel greater economic activity. This line will also provide connectivity to the Konkan Railway section between Mangalore and Roha at three pointsMangalore, Ankola and Madgaon. The completion of the proposed Hubli-Ankola line would make transport of manganese and iron ore from Bellary to coastal region for further movement in ships easy.

Project Unigauge

Since 2007, the SWR is entirely Broad gauge.

See also

* Trains of SWR

External links

* [ South Western Railway]
* [ Indian Railways reservations]


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