

Phillippe may refer to:

People with the given name Phillippe:

* Phillippe de Longvilliers de Poincy (1583-1660), French nobleman
* Phillippe de Oliveira (died 1627), Portuguese colonial governor
* Phillippe Édouard Léon van Tieghem (1839-1914), French botanist

People with the surname Phillippe:

* Deacon Phillippe (1872-1952), Major League Baseball pitcher
* Ryan Phillippe (born 1974), American actor

ee also

* Philip
* Phillipps

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  • Phillippe — Matthew Ryan Phillippe (* 10. September 1974 in New Castle, Delaware) ist ein US amerikanischer Schauspieler. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Filme 3 Einzelnachweise 4 Weblinks …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Phillippe de Longvilliers de Poincy — (1583–1660) was a French nobleman and Bailiff Grand Cross of the Knights of Malta. On 12 January 1638 de Poincy set sail for the Caribbean on board La Petite Europe On February 20 he took up his commission as Lieutenant Governor of the Isles of… …   Wikipedia

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  • Phillippe de Longvilliers de Poincy — (* 1583; † 11. April 1660) war ein französischer Adeliger, Ritter des Malteserordens und Abenteurer in der Karibik, der zeitweise Gouverneur von St. Kitts war, von wo aus er gegen Engländer, Holländer und Spanier kämpfte, aber auch mit dem König… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Phillippe Édouard Léon van Tieghem — (1839 1914) was a French botanist.External links* [ Biography (in French)] …   Wikipedia

  • Phillippe de Oliveira — or Filipe de Oliveira (died 1627) was the conqueror of the Jaffna Kingdom in northern modern day Sri Lanka on behalf of the Portuguese Empire in 1619. He stayed behind as the captain major of the conquered kingdom until his death in 1627. His… …   Wikipedia

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