- Lowland heath
Lowland Heath
Is a
Biodiversity Action Plan Habitat as it is an ancient wild landscape type.Natural England 'sEnvironmental Stewardship scheme describes it as containing dry heath, wet heath and valley mire communities, usually below 250 metres, on acidic soils and shallow peat, typically comprising heathers, gorses, fine grasses, wild flowers and lichens in a complex mosaic. There are usually at least 25% cover of heathers and other dwarf shrubs.They have acidic, sandy, free draining, shallow soils with a ph of 4-5. There are no worms in the soil, even fungi find it hard to survive. They often have a thick litter layer on top which is difficult to decompose. They are dry in summer and subseptable to drought due to their free- draining nature. In July it is so dry that plants have either shut down or are drought specialists. As many of the plants are waxy, fire is a hazard. A plant animal association has adapted to these harsh conditions.
Lowland Heath can be found in
Devon ,Hampshire ,Dorset (mainly found here),Sussex (some),Kent (some),Surrey (some),Cornwall ,Norfolk andSuffolk .80% of Lowland Heath has been lost since 1800, but the UK still holds a fifth of the worlds stock. Pollen grain carbon dating has indicated that is has existed in the UK for 14000 years. It started to form after this date as the ice-caps retreated. As the weather warmed trees became established and replaced the heathland. But 5000 years ago man began to clear forests and thus the heathland re-established up until the 17th century. From then onwards agricultural and transport technology improved allowing nutrients etc to be put back into the soil,non heathland type crops grown, or it was simply not managed as it had been done in the past.
There are 3 types of heathland according to their location and climate conditions: wet heaths (impervious rocks/clay preventing water drainage), dry heath (well drained), humid heath (between the two types). Wet heaths contain more different species than dry, spagnum moss being an example.
Heathland was originally wooded with richer soil. The woods were removed and the soils eroded and leached, especially nitrogen which leaches away more easily. Therefore heaths are man-made.
Upland Heath which is more than 300 metres in altitude, is called
Moorland ,Dartmoor being an example.There is a UK
Biodiversity Action Plan has set a target of restoring 58000 hectares of lowland heathland, and recreating a further 6000 hectares.Indicator species
Heather s – (Ling) (callum) is dominant on moorland; the flowers are pale purple, the plant branches a lot more, the leaves are in opposite pairs (not whorls); and are oily in order to prevent water loss, they have a symbiotic relationship with fungi.Bell Heather flowers in mid July and is crimson purple and is found on a long spike, its leaves are dark green and less hairy, and they are more turned in so that they can survive on exposed dry sites; they exist as a whorl of 3 leaves.Cross-leaved heath er can be found in wetter patches, it has rose pink flowers with a nodding drooping head at the end of the shoot, not as dense a head as bell heather, the leaves are arranged as a cross of 4 are greyish with hairs, and are curled downward – the hairs trap moisture – this plants shut down in summer but grow more in winter. Heathers have a 6 year pioneer phase which is the time they take to form a bush, then it grows until it is 25, when the centre gets more gappy due to the growth becoming less vigorous,mosses /bryophytes start to colonise this area due to the humid conditions. the plant begins to degenerate after 30 years.
*Gorse – European (common) flowers in the spring and is found in sheltered locations,Western Gorse is smaller and flowers mid July to mid August on the more exposed areas. Dwarf gorse is found on the Dorset heaths. Gorses are part of the pea family and have nitrogen fixing ability due to their symbiotic association with bacteria.
*Bracken – is a fern. Ferns are usually found in wet locations, but this speices can survive in dry locations. Formerly it was cut and used as bedding. Sometimes it was burnt for ash lime, Woodbury common having a fascination history about this.
*Grasses –Purple Moor Grass found in wet locations and when young is edible, fescue and bristle bent are found in dry locations
*No mammals
*Rich in insectsHeathland Succession moves from grasses and bracken, to gorses and heather, and finally to woodland (
birch ,pine andoak s)Typical animal species found are:
*Snakes and reptiles. The
Smooth snake andSand Lizard are only found inDorset .
*Birds –Dartford warbler ,skylark ,stonechat ,nightjar ,hobby (feeds on insects and birds),Tree pipit ,wren (feeds on spiders deep in the ground)Ideal heathland structure
*vegetation various heights and structures
*scattered trees
*scattered scrub
*some bare ground
*wet heaths
*ponds, water
*bogscover of dwarf shrubs should be between 25% and 95% with at least 2 species frequent. There must be a range of age classes of heather present, with cover of young heather between 10 to 15%, and cover of old between 10 and 30%. cover of undesirable species (bracken, injurious weeds, invasive non native plants) must be less than 10%. cover of trees/scrub must be less than 15%
Threats to heathland
*Change in farmland in particular afforestation
*Lack of management (overgrown), for example scrub and bracken encroachment
*Housing development
*Nutrient enrichment
*Pine and Silver birch readily establishing and shading the surrounding vegetation
*PloughingManagement options
Cut trees (e.g. for firewood); using grazing animals to control vegetation and regrowth, control scrub, make sure there is an age range and try to incorporate the requirement of individual species.
Grant is available in
England underNatural England 'sEnvironmental Stewardship Scheme.UK Lowland Heath
East Devon: Gittisham Common, Woodbury Common, Mutter's Moor, Aylesbeare Common, Pebblebed Heaths, Trinity Hill, Venn Ottery Common, Bystock Pools,
Fire Beacon Hill , Hartridge Common, Offwell Heath, Hense MoorReferences
The European Heathland Network http://www.english-nature.org.uk/heathlands/default.htm
Tomorrows Heathland Heritage project http://www.english-nature.org.uk/Thh/default.asp?P%7C0000
Enjoying our Heathland Heritage Booklet published by Tomorrows Heathland Heritage
Bicton College Environmental Conservation Course
Lowland Heathland BAP http://www.ukbap.org.uk/UKPlans.aspx?ID=15
Offwell Woodland and Wildlife Trust http://www.countrysideinfo.co.uk/lowland.htm
Environmental Stewardship http://www.defra.gov.uk/erdp/schemes/es/default.htm
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.