Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture

Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture

Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture is a new architecture firm based in Göteborg, Sweden. They work with architecture in its broadest meaning ranging from furniture to city planning, from theory to practice. 2007 they won the international architect competition for a new dancehall/restaurant in Falsterbo (southern part of Sweden)

Notes and references

Carlsson, David [http://davidreport.com/blog/200804/worlds-first-passive-museum/ Worlds first passive museum] "David Report", Accessed April 10, 2008
Bright, Christopher [http://www.dwell.com/daily/blog/16835491.html Swedish Prefab] "Dwell", Accessed May 19, 2008
[http://www.tropolism.com/2008/03/passive_houses.php Passive Houses] "Tropolism", Accessed Mars 05, 2008
[http://www.designerblog.it/post/2475/pirate-chair Pirate Chair] "Designerblog", Accessed Mars 24, 2008
[http://article.idchina.net/2008460846031.htm Kjellgren Kaminsky设计Passive Houses] "Interior Design", Accessed April 07, 2008

External links

* [http://www.kjellgrenkaminsky.se Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture website]

* [http://www.arkitekt.se/s29112 Swedish Association of Architects website] Hägring, the award winning proposal

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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