

Infobox Journal

Front cover of a "Synthese" serial
discipline = Philosophy
website =
publisher = Springer
country = Netherlands
abbreviation = None
history = 1936 to present
frequency = Monthly
ISSN = 0039-7857

Synthese is a scholarly monthly periodical specializing in papers in epistemology, methodology and philosophy of science. Published articles include specific treatment of methodological issues in science such as induction, probability, causation, statistics, symbolic logic, linguistics and ethics. "A section on Knowledge, Rationality and Action offers a platform for researchers interested in a formal approach to the process comprising rational behavior, from gathering and representing information, through reasoning and decision making to acting." [ [ Synthese-Description] at publisher's website.]

Notable articles

* "Carnap and logical truth" (1960) - W.V.O. Quine
* "Truth and meaning" (1967) - Donald Davidson
* "Pragmatics" (1970 - Robert Stalnaker
* "Proper names and identifying descriptions" (1970) - Keith Donnellan
* "Brain bisection and the unity of consciousness" (1971) - Thomas Nagel
* "Belief and the basis of meaning" (1974) - Donald Davidson
* "Special sciences (or: The disunity of science as a working hypothesis)" (1974) - Jerry Fodor
* "Vagueness, truth and logic" (1975) - Kit Fine
* "The importance of what we care about" (1982) - Harry Frankfurt
* "Cognition, construction of knowledge, and teaching" (1989) - Ernst von Glasersfeld

See also

* List of scientific journals
* List of philosophy journals


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