Hillel Schwartz

Hillel Schwartz

Hillel Schwartz, an Egyptian Jew, was the founder of the Iskra ('al-Sharara') party, a small Communist political party which was one of the pre-revolutionary Egyptian political groupings that advocated full independence from Great Britain. Iskra was a vanguardist party, which "emphasizedthe need for the mobilization of a revolutionary reserve of Marxist consciousness and intellectuals in order to establish a sound base from which popular activity could follow." [The Egyptian Left and the Roots of Neutralism in the Pre-Nasserite Era, Rami Ginat, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 30, No. 1, (May, 2003), pp. 5-24, http://www.jstor.org/stable/3593243Accessed: 07/05/2008 11:47]


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