List of state leaders in 1040s BC

List of state leaders in 1040s BC

1050s BC state leaders - Events of 1040s BC - 1030s BC state leaders - State leaders by year----


*Egypt (Twenty-first Dynasty)
**Amenemnisu, Pharaoh of Egypt (1051 BC - 1047 BC)
**Psusennes I, Pharaoh of Egypt (1047 BC - 1001 BC)


*Shang Dynasty
**Di Xin, King of China (1075 BC1046 BC)
*Zhou Dynasty
**Wu, King of China (1046 BC - 1043 BC)
**Cheng, King of China (1042 BC - 1021 BC)
*Gojoseon (Korea) (legendary)
**Gyeonghyo, King of Gojeseon (1057 BC - 1030 BC)
*India (legendary)
**Sumati, King of Magadha (1059 BC - 1026 BC)


**Medon, Archon of Athens (1068 - 1048 BC)
**Acastus, Archon of Athens (1048 BC - 1012 BC)
*Ireland (legendary)
**Sírna Sáeglach, High King of Ireland (1181 BC – 1031 BC) "(According to the Annals of the Four Masters)"

Middle East

**Shamshi-Adad IV, King of Assyria (1054 BC - 1050 BC)
**Ashurnasirpal I, King of Assyria (1050 BC - 1031 BC)
*Babylon (Fourth Dynasty)
**Adad-apla-iddina (1069 BC - 1046 BC)
**Marduk-zer-X (1046 BC - 1033 BC)

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