

Infobox Album |
Name = V-sit
Type = Studio album
Artist = Masami Okui

Released = flagicon|Japan 21 September 1996
Recorded =
Genre = J-pop
Length = 68:10
Label = Star Child
Producer = Toshiro Yabuki, Toshimichi Otsuki
Last album = "Gyuu" (1995)
This album = "V-sit" (1996)
Next album = "Ma-KING" (1997)
Format = CD

"V-sit" is the 2nd album by Masami Okui, released on September 21, 1996.

Track listing

#Mask (masamix)
#* TV anime "Sorcerer Hunters" ending song
#* Lyrics, composition: Masami Okui
#* Arrangement: Toshiro Yabuki, Tsutomu Ohira
#nihongo|Saiko no Gamble|最高のGAMBLE
#* Radio drama "Slayers EX" image song
#* Lyrics, composition: Masami Okui
#* Arrangement: Toshiro Yabuki
#Shake it
#* OVA "Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko" theme song
#* Lyrics, composition: Masami Okui
#* Arrangement: Toshiro Yabuki, Tsutomu Ohira
#nihongo|Uso no Egao, Hontou no Namida|嘘の笑顔 本当の涙
#* Lyrics, composition: Masami Okui
#* Arrangement: Toshiro Yabuki, Tsutomu Ohira
#Lonely soul
#* OVA "Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko" image song
#* Lyrics: Masami Okui
#* Composition, arrangement: Tsutomu Ohira
#Dreaming Heart
#* Lyrics: Keiko Kimoto
#* Composition: Gota Wakabayashi
#* Arrangement: Tsutomu Ohira
#* Lyrics, composition: Masami Okui
#* Arrangement: Tsutomu Ohira
#Love is Fire
#* Lyrics: Masami Okui
#* Composition: Tsutomu Ohira
#* Arrangement: Toshiro Yabuki, Tsutomu Ohira
#Get My Way
#* Lyrics: Narumi Yamamoto
#* Composition, arrangement: Toshiro Yabuki
#nihongo|Senjou no Madonna|戦場のマドンナ
#* Radio drama "Slayers EX" image song
#* Lyrics: Masami Okui
#* Composition, arrangement: Tsutomu Ohira
#nihongo|Ryouki ~Heaven & Hell~|領域〜Heaven&Hell〜)
#* Radio drama "Sorcerer Hunters SP" image song
#* Originally sung by Yuko Mizutani
#* Lyrics, composition: Masami Okui
#* Arrangement: Toshiro Yabuki
#nihongo|Majime na Kikkake|
#* Radio drama "Slayers EX" image song
#* Lyrics, composition: Masami Okui
#* Arrangement: Toshiro Yabuki
#nihongo|Jama wa Sasenai|邪魔はさせない (live rock on)
#* TV anime "Slayers Next" ending song
#* Lyrics: Masami Okui
#* Composition: Masami Okui, Toshiro Yabuki
#* Arrangement: Toshiro Yabuki
#* Lyrics: Masami Okui
#* Composition, arrangement: Tsutomu Ohira


[http://www.makusonia.com/ Official website: Makusonia]

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