Fat Admiration

Fat Admiration

Fat Admiration is the attraction of an individual to people who are overweight or obese, whose bodies have what may be considered excessive adipose tissue. It is also known as "adipophilia" The object of desire may be male or female. An individual's attraction may be a preference or a fetish. If the attraction to fat is a mere preference it is only desired in a partner. If the attraction is a full blown fetish, fat is an absolute necessity for arousal. Fat Fetishism is a subtopic within Fat Admiration. Some Fat Fetishists are aroused by weight gain, some by the thought of gaining weight themselves and others by the thought of of others gaining weight. Fat Fetishism is also sometimes combined with Sadomasochism also known as Sadism and Masochism. The Fat Admiration subculture has a number of subcultures within it.


General Terms

* Big Beautiful Woman (BBW) - an overweight woman/women.
* Super-Sized Big Beautiful Woman (SSBBW) - an obese woman/women
* Big Handsome Man (BHM) - an overweight man/men
* Super-Sized Big Handsome Man (SSBHM) - an obese man/men
* Fat Admirer (FA) - a male who is sexually or non-sexually attracted to fat individuals.
* Female Fat Admirer (FFA) - a female who is sexually or non-sexually attracted to fat individuals.
* (Practicing) Feeder - a person who feeds another.
* (Practicing) Feedee - a person who is fed by another.
* Non-Practicing Feeder - a person who fantasizes about feeding another, but is not currently active.
* Non-Practicing Feedee - a person who fantasizes about being fed by another, but is not currently active.

Terms found occasionally

* Big Black Beautiful Woman (BBBW)
* Ultra-Sized Big Beautiful Woman (UltraBBW) - an extremely obese woman

"'Terms more often used in the gay male community, rather than in the heterosexual community"'

* Chubby Chaser - alternative term to 'Fat Admirer'
* Gainer - a person who deliberately adds excess fat to their body.
* Encourager - a person who encourages a Gainer to add excess fat to his own body.

Web Sites

There are many perhaps thousands pornographic sites devoted to BBW. Pornographic BHM sites are pretty much exclusively homosexual. There are hundreds of groups devoted to BBW, BHM and weight gain on Yahoo! Groups and a few on other group sites. A number of these groups cater to teenagers. Forums on many subjects relating to Fat Admiration can be found on the Dimensions Magazine site's forums page, which includes a forum for Female Fat Admirers to discuss and admire fat men.

Gaining and Feeding

"Main Article: Fat fetishism"

Gainers, Feeders and Feedees can be aroused by images and tales of weight gain. Some weight gain stories incorporate components of other Paraphilia as well.such sites as www.destinysbbwdesires.com

Fat Admiration vs. Fat Acceptance

The difference being that Fat Admiration is only relevant to sexuality, whilst Fat Acceptance is a movement striving for equality for the overweight and obese. Usually, there is no conflict between the two; however, some Feeding (activity practiced or fantasized by some fat admirers) is condemned by the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance.

Night Clubs

There are a growing number of BBW night clubs in the United States which are specifically for BBW and their admirers.

The premier BBW night club is located in Atlanta, GA and it's called Club 249....it's "Where the Thick & Sexy come to party!" Their website is http://www.TheClub249.com.

Gay Fat Admiration

"Main Article: Chub (gay slang)"

ee also

* Big Beautiful Woman
* Fat fetishism
* Chub (gay slang)

External Links

* [http://www.dimensionsmagazine.com Dimensions Magazine]
* [http://www.naafa.org/ NAAFA: National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance]

BBW Night Clubs

* [http://www.TheClub249.com Club 249 Atlanta, GA]
* [http://www.butterflylounge.com Butterfly Lounge]
* [http://www.clubbounce.net Club Bounce]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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