- Histogenesis
Histogenesis is the formation of different tissues from undifferentiated cells. [http://www.encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/Histogenesis.html] These cells are constituents of three primary
germ layer s, theendoderm ,mesoderm , andectoderm . The science of the microscopic structures of the tissues formed within histogenesis is termedhistology .Germ layers
A germ layer is a collection of cells, formed during animal and mammalian
embryogenesis . Germ layers are typically pronounced withinvertebrate organisms; however,animal s or mammals more complex than sponges (eumetazoa ns and ) produce two or three primary tissue layers. Animals with radial symmetry, such ascnidaria ns, produce two layers, called theectoderm andendoderm . Therefore, they arediploblastic . Animals with bilateral symmetry produce a third layer in-between calledmesoderm , making themtriploblastic . Germ layers will eventually give rise to all of an animal’s or mammal's tissues and organs through a process calledorganogenesis .Endoderm
The endoderm is one of the germ layers formed during animal embryogenesis. Cells migrating inward along the
archenteron form the inner layer of thegastrula , which develops into theendoderm . Initially, the endoderm consists of flattened cells, which subsequently become columnar.Mesoderm
The mesoderm germ layer forms in the
embryo s ofanimal s andmammal s more complex thancnidaria ns, making themtriploblastic . Duringgastrulation , some of the cells migrating inward to form theendoderm form an additional layer between the endoderm and theectoderm . This key innovation evolved hundreds of millions of years ago and led to the evolution of nearly all large, complex animals. The formation of a mesoderm led to the formation of a coelom. Organs formed inside a coelom can freely move, grow, and develop independently of the body wall while fluid cushions and protects them from shocks.Ectoderm
The ectoderm is the start of a tissue that covers the body surfaces. It emerges first and forms from the outermost of the
germ layer s.Production
http://www.ncbi.nih.gov/About/primer/genetics_cell.html NCBI] .]
The proceeding graph represents the products produced by the three germ layers.
ee also
Histology References
* Microsoft Corporation. [http://www.encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/Histogenesis.html Histogenesis] . "Encarta World English Dictionary (North American Edition)". URL accessed on14 May 2005 .
* Evers, Christine A., Lisa Starr. "Biology:Concepts and Applications." 6th ed. United States:Thomson, 2006. ISBN 0-534-46224-3.External links
*en icon [http://www.uoguelph.ca/zoology/devobio/splab7/index.htm Derivatives of the Ectoderm]
*en icon [http://www.uoguelph.ca/zoology/devobio/splab8/index.htm Derivatives of the Endoderm and Mesoderm]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.